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Audit Trail

What is Audit Trail?Link to this anchor

Audit Trail is a tool that holds a record of events and changes performed within a Scaleway Organization.

Why do I need Audit Trail?Link to this anchor

Audit Trail helps you ensure accountability and security by recording who did what and when within your Scaleway Organization. It tracks activity across all your resources (identity of the principal, date of activity, source IP address, API method used, and status of the request).

You can use Audit Trail for troubleshooting, compliance verification, and analysis in the event of a breach.

How am I billed for using Audit Trail?Link to this anchor

Audit Trail is free of charge.

Which Scaleway products are integrated with Audit Trail?Link to this anchor

During Beta, only Secret Manager is integrated with Audit Trail. Refer to the dedicated documentation to find out more about product integration with Audit Trail.

Where are my Audit Trail events stored?Link to this anchor

Audit Trail events are stored in the same region where the activity occurred. This means that if an event takes place in a specific region, it will be saved and accessible in that same region.

Audit Trail is not available for the Poland - Warsaw region.

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