Running web analytics with Plausible on Ubuntu LinuxLearn more
Configuring Sentry error trackingLearn more
One-Click GitLab repository manager deployment on Scaleway Instances using InstantApp
- apps
- GitLab
- InstantApp
Getting started with kOps on Scaleway
- kops
- kubernetes
Getting started with Python for complete beginners
- python
- elif
- variables
- hello-world
- boolean
Getting started with Kubernetes Part 4 - Storage
- Kubernetes
- kubectl
- block-storage
- stateful-set
- persistent-volume
Getting started with Kubernetes Part 3 - Load Balancers
- Kubernetes
- load-balancer
- kubectl
- nodeport
Getting started with Kubernetes Part 2 - Deploying an app with Kapsule
- Kubernetes
- nodeport
- kubectl
Getting started with Crossplane provider on Scaleway Kubernetes
- crossplane
- kubernetes
Getting started with Kubernetes Part 1 - Containers & Docker
- Kubernetes
- Docker