Running web analytics with Plausible on Ubuntu LinuxLearn more
Configuring Sentry error trackingLearn more
Setting up Traefik v2 and cert-manager on Kapsule
- k8s
- Kapsule
- Traefik
- cert-manager
- Load-Balancer
Deploying Your First Infrastructure on Scaleway using Terraform
- Terraform
- Elastic-Metal
- Instances
- HashiCorp
Learning systemd essentials
- systemd
- instances
Deploying Strapi on a Scaleway Instance
- Strapi
- Ubuntu
Deploy a Strapi headless CMS using Serverless Containers and Serverless SQL Databases
- strapi
- cms
- sql
- serverless
- database
Storing WordPress Media on Object Storage with Media Cloud
- Object-Storage
- Media-Cloud
- media
- Wordpress
Storing objects with Scalewy Object Storage and Transmit 5
- object-storage
- Transmit-5
Storing objects with Scaleway Object Storage and Cyberduck
- Cyberduck
- Object-Storage