Running web analytics with Plausible on Ubuntu LinuxLearn more
Configuring Sentry error trackingLearn more
Running a Node.js + Express Server on Serverless Container
- serverless
- containers
- caas
- nodejs
- express-server
Running a messaging platform with RocketChat
- messaging
- RocketChat
- chat
- mongodb
- nodejs
Run and manage macOS and Linux virtual machines on Apple silicon with Tart
- bare-metal
- apple-silicon
- mac-mini
- m1
- m2
Deploying a Ruby on Rails application on Scaleway
- Ruby-on-Rails
- nginx
- rbenv
- puma
- PostgreSQL
- systemd
- vps
Setting up a RTMP streaming server on a Scaleway Instance
- streaming
- broadcast
- OBS-Client
- Multistreaming
Creating backups with Restic and Object Storage
- restic
- object-storage
Configuring a remote desktop with xRDP on Ubuntu Bionic Beaver
- remote-desktop
- xRDP
- rdp
- xFCE
Getting started with Python lists and dictionaries
- python
- loops