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Deploying and managing Instances with Terraform and Functions

Reviewed on 24 December 2024Published on 21 December 2021
  • serverless
  • python
  • terraform

HashiCorp Terraform is an open-source software tool to deploy Infrastructure as Code (IaC). It allows you to automate the lifecycle of your Instances by using declarative configuration files. In this tutorial you will discover an example of Instance automation using Python and Terraform (automatically shut down / start Instances).

Before you start

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
  • A valid API key
  • Installed Python on your machine
  • Installed Terraform on your machine


This tutorial will simulate a project with a production environment running all the time and a development environment that will be switched off on weekends to reduce costs.

Initialize a Terraform project

  1. Create a new folder, called Terraform, to store your configuration. Then enter the folder:

    mkdir Terraform && cd Terraform
  2. Create five files to configure your infrastructure:

    • will contain the main set of configurations for your project. Here, it will be our Instance
    • Terraform relies on plugins called ”providers” to interact with remote systems
    • each Terraform configuration can specify a backend, which defines where the state file of the current infrastructure will be stored. Terraform uses this file to keep track of the managed resources. This state can be stored locally or remotely. Configuring a remote backend allows multiple people to work on the same infrastructure
    • will contain the variable definitions for your project. Since all Terraform values must be defined, any variables that are not given a default value will become required arguments
    • terraform.tfvars: allows you to set the actual value of the variables
  3. Create the following folders:

    • function: to store your function code
    • files: to temporary store your zip function code Your folder structure should look like:
    | -- files
    | -- function
    -- terraform.tfvars
  4. Edit the file to enable remote configuration backup:

    terraform {
    backend "s3" {
    bucket = "XXXXXXXXX"
    key = "terraform.tfstate"
    region = "fr-par"
    endpoint = ""
    skip_credentials_validation = true
    skip_region_validation = true
    For the credentials part:
    ==> Create a ~/.aws/credentials:
  5. Edit the file and add Scaleway as a provider:

    terraform {
    required_providers {
    scaleway = {
    source = "scaleway/scaleway"
    version = "2.41.1"
    required_version = ">= 0.13"
  6. Specify the following variables in the file:

variable "zone" {
type = string
variable "region" {
type = string
variable "env" {
type = string
variable "project_id" {
type = string
description = "Your project ID"
variable "auth_token" {
type = string
description = "Scaleway authentication token used in the function"
  1. Add the variable values to terraform.tfvars:
    zone = "fr-par-1"
    region = "fr-par"
    env = "dev"
    project_id = "Your project ID"
    auth_token = "Your Scaleway Secret key"

Writing the code

For this example we will use the native python library urllib, which allows us to keep the package slim.


All information about the Instance API can be found in the developers documentation.

Inside the function folder create a file with following contents:

import os
from urllib import request, parse, error
import json
auth_token = os.environ["X-AUTH-TOKEN"]
def handle(event, context):
## get information from cron
event_body = eval(event["body"])
zone = event_body["zone"]
server_id = event_body["server_id"]
action = event_body["action"] # action should be "poweron" or "poweroff"
# create request
url = f"{zone}/servers/{server_id}/action"
data = json.dumps({"action": action}).encode("ascii")
req = request.Request(url, data=data, method="POST")
req.add_header("Content-Type", "application/json")
req.add_header("X-Auth-Token", auth_token)
# Sending request to Instance API
res = request.urlopen(req).read().decode()
except error.HTTPError as e:
res =
return {
"body": json.loads(res),
"statusCode": 200,

Configuring your infrastructure

  1. Edit the file to add a production Instance using a GP1-S named “Prod”:
    ## Configuring Producion environment
    resource "scaleway_instance_ip" "public_ip-prod" {
    project_id = var.project_id
    resource "scaleway_instance_server" "scw-instance-prod" {
    project_id = var.project_id
    type = "GP1-S"
    image = "ubuntu_focal"
    tags = ["terraform instance", "scw-instance", "production"]
    ip_id =
    root_volume {
    # The local storage of a DEV1-L Instance is 80 GB, subtract 30 GB from the additional l_ssd volume, then the root volume needs to be 50 GB.
    size_in_gb = 200
  2. Add a development Instance using a DEV1-L named “Dev”:
    ## Configuring Development environment that will be automatically turn off on week-ends and turn on monday mornings
    resource "scaleway_instance_ip" "public_ip-dev" {
    project_id = var.project_id
    resource "scaleway_instance_server" "scw-instance-dev" {
    project_id = var.project_id
    type = "DEV1-L"
    image = "ubuntu_focal"
    tags = ["terraform instance", "scw-instance", "dev"]
    ip_id =
    root_volume {
    size_in_gb = 80
  3. Write a function that will run the code you have just written:
    # Creating function code archive that will then be updated
    data "archive_file" "source_zip" {
    type = "zip"
    source_dir = "${path.module}/function"
    output_path = "${path.module}/files/"
    # Creating the function namespace
    resource "scaleway_function_namespace" "main" {
    name = "instance-management"
    description = "namespace to gather all functions dedicated to Instance management"
    project_id = var.project_id
    # Creating the function
    resource "scaleway_function" "main" {
    namespace_id =
    name = "instancewake"
    runtime = "python310"
    handler = "handler.handle"
    privacy = "public"
    zip_file = data.archive_file.source_zip.output_path # this enable to automatically zip your code and each time you edit it
    zip_hash = filesha256(data.archive_file.source_zip.output_path)
    deploy = true
    max_scale = "5"
    environment_variables = {
    "X-AUTH-TOKEN" = var.auth_token
  4. Add a cronjob attached to the function to turn your function off every Friday evening:
    # Adding a first cron to turn off the Instance every friday evening (11:30 pm)
    resource "scaleway_function_cron" "turn-off" {
    function_id =
    schedule = "30 23 * * 5"
    args = jsonencode({
    "server_id": regex("/([^/]+$)",[0], # We use the dev Instance id and strip it from the region
  5. Create a cronjob attached to the function to turn your function on every Monday morning:
    # Adding a second cron to turn on the Instance every monday morning (7:00 am)
    resource "scaleway_function_cron" "turn-on" {
    function_id =
    schedule = "0 7 * * 1"
    args = jsonencode({
    "server_id": regex("/([^/]+$)",[0],

Deploying your infrastructure

Everything is configured now, so you can deploy your infrastructure using Terraform.

  1. Add your Scaleway credentials to the environment variables:
    export SCW_ACCESS_KEY="my-access-key"
    export SCW_SECRET_KEY="my-secret-key"
  2. Initialize Terraform:
    terraform init
  3. Let Terraform verify your configuration:
    terraform plan
  4. Deploy your infrastructure:
    terraform apply
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