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Migrating existing databases to a Database Instance

Reviewed on 06 March 2025Published on 21 September 2020
  • database
  • mysql
  • postgresql
  • pgsql
  • migration
  • mysqldump
  • import
  • backup

Managed Database for PostgreSQL and MySQL product provides reliable high-performance managed SQL database engines, both for PostgreSQL and MySQL. Using the service allows you to stay focused on the development of your applications and to benefit from Scaleway’s expertise in the management of your database engines.


To migrate or import a database without an Instance, or using third-party tools, refer to this procedure.

In this guide, you will learn how to migrate your existing databases on your Database Instances using an intermediate host.

This guide consists of two parts, depending on which database Engine your Instances are running:

  • Database migration for PostgreSQL
  • Database migration for MySQL

Before you startLink to this anchor

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
  • An SSH key
  • A Database for PostgreSQL or MySQL
  • An Instance available as an intermediate host for the migration

If you run your database in a Private Network with no public endpoint, you have to create the intermediate Instance in your Private Network and attach a NAT gateway to be able to reach the public Internet, and then run the migration steps from there.

Database migration for PostgreSQLLink to this anchor

Exporting the source databaseLink to this anchor

  1. Connect to your Instance using SSH:
    ssh root@<virtual_instance_ip>
  2. Update the apt package cache and upgrade the software already installed on the system:
    apt update && apt upgrade -y
  3. We use pg_dump to dump the content of the database to migrate. It is included in the package postgresql-client-common. Install it using apt:
    apt install postgresql-client-common
  4. Dump the content of the originating database into a local SQL file on the Instance:
    pg_dump --host=<host> --port=<port> --username=<user> --dbname=<database_name> --file=<filename>.sql

In the above command, replace the following values as follows:

  • <host>: The database server hosting the PostgreSQL database

  • <port>: The TCP port on which the database server is listening (by default 5432)

  • <user>: The username used for the connection to the database server

  • <database_name>: The name of the database to export

  • <filename>: The name of the local file of the exported database


    If your database is running in a Docker container, the command to use will be:

    docker exec -it $CONTAINER_NAME pg_dump --username=<name> --dbname=<database_name> > <database>.sql

Preparing the Database for PostgreSQLLink to this anchor


If you do not have a Database for PostgreSQL yet, create a new one from your Scaleway console.

  1. Enter the Database section of the Scaleway console.
  2. Select your Database Instance from the list.
  3. Click the Managed Databases tab, then on + Create Database to create a new database in the instance.
  4. Enter the name of the new database and click Create Database to confirm the operation:
  5. Click the Users tab to visualize a list of all your database users. To create a new user for your database, click + Add user.
  6. Click the Permissions tab and grant All permissions to your database for the user:
  7. Click the User Information tab and enter the credentials for the new user. Confirm by clicking on Create a user:

Importing the databaseLink to this anchor

Once you have created both, the destination database and its users, import your data from the SQL file to your Database Instance by using the psql command-line tool.

  1. Retrieve the database host and port from your Scaleway console. The Endpoint information is visible on your Database information page:

  2. Use the psql command-line tool to import your database with the following command:

    psql --file=<filename>.sql --host=<managed_database_endpoint_ip> --port=<managed_database_endpoint_port> --username=<user> --dbname=<database_nme>

    In the above command, replace the following values as follows:

    • <filename>: The file name of the exported database
    • <managed_database_endpoint_ip>: The IP address of the Endpoint of your Database for PostgreSQL
    • <managed_database_endpoint_port>: The TCP port of the Endpoint of your Database Instance
    • <user>: The username for the Database
    • <database_name>: the name of the Database

Database migration for MySQLLink to this anchor

Exporting the source databaseLink to this anchor

  1. Connect to your Instance using SSH:

    ssh root@<virtual_instance_ip>
  2. Update the apt package cache and upgrade the software already installed on the system:

    apt update && apt upgrade -y
  3. We use mysqldump to dump the content of the database to migrate. It is included in the package mysql-client. Install it using apt:

    apt install mysql-client
  4. Dump the content of the originating database into a local SQL file on the Instance:

    mysqldump -P <port> -h <host> -u <user> -p <password> --opt <database_name> > <filename>.sql

    In the above command, replace the following values as follows:

    • <port>: The TCP port on which the database server is listening (by default 3306)
    • <host>: The database server hosting the MySQL database
    • <user>: The username used for the connection to the database server
    • <database_name>: The name of the database to export
    • <filename>: The name of the local file of the exported database

Preparing the Database for MySQLLink to this anchor


If you do not have a Database for MySQL yet, create a new one from your Scaleway console.

  1. Enter the Database section of the Scaleway console.
  2. Select your Database Instance from the list.
  3. Click the Managed Databases tab, then on + Create Database to create a new database in the instance.
  4. Enter the name of the new database and click Create Database to confirm the operation:
  5. Click the Users tab to visualize a list of all your database users. To create a new user for your database, click + Add user.
  6. Click the Permissions tab and grant All permissions to your database for the user:
  7. Click the User Information tab and enter the credentials for the new user. Confirm by clicking on Create a user:

Importing the databaseLink to this anchor

Once you have created both, the destination database and its users, import your data from the SQL file to your Database Instance by using the psql command-line tool.

  1. Retrieve the database host and port from your Scaleway console. The Endpoint information is visible on your Database information page:

  2. Use the mysql command-line tool to import your database with the following command:

    mysql -P <managed_database_endpoint_port> -h <managed_database_endpoint_ip> -u <user> -p <password> <database_name> < <filename>.sql

    In the above command, replace the following values as follows:

    • <managed_database_endpoint_port>: The TCP port of the Endpoint of your Database Instance
    • <managed_database_endpoint_ip>: The IP address of the Endpoint of your Database for MySQL
    • <user>: The username for the Database
    • <password>: The password for the database user
    • <database_name>: The name of the Database
    • <filename>: The file name of the exported database

ConclusionLink to this anchor

You now have exported your existing PostgreSQL or MySQL database and imported it into a Scaleway Managed Datatabase Instance. To finish the migration process of your database, update the credentials and server information in the configuration files of your existing application. Once this information is updated, your application will use your database on Instances managed by Scaleway. For more information about the Database product, refer to the product information page and the product documentation.

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