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Using the Scaleway Slack community

Reviewed on 06 March 2025Published on 12 February 2020
  • Slack
  • forum

Slack is a real-time messaging platform that offers traditional IRC functionalities like direct messaging, private groups, and channels, but with a modern twist. By joining Scaleway’s Slack workspace, you gain convenient communication channels with Scaleway teams and fellow community members. This allows for seamless collaboration and discussion about your ongoing projects on the Scaleway infrastructure, facilitating knowledge sharing and idea exchange.

Signing up for SlackLink to this anchor

  1. Navigate to the Scaleway homepage and click Slack Community in the Resources section at the bottom of the page, or access it directly via this link.

  2. You will be directed to the registration page. Choose one of the suggested Single Sign-On (SSO) methods or opt to Continue with Email by providing your email address.

  3. Complete the required fields for Full Name and Password. You have the option to select whether you want to receive emails from Slack. Tick the checkbox to accept, then click Create Account to proceed with your registration.

  4. Check your email for an account validation message. Once received, click Join Now to finalize the signup process.

Once signed in, you’ll land on the Scaleway Community Slack workspace, where you’ll find suggestions from Slack on how to get started, such as messaging someone, setting up a profile picture, or joining channels.

Joining a channelLink to this anchor

Channels in Slack are persistent chat rooms designed for discussing specific topics and projects. In the Scaleway Slack Community, you will discover channels dedicated to various Scaleway products and services, along with a general community channel for broader discussions.

  1. By default, you are added to the #community and #community-fr channels. Click on Channels to explore additional channels you may wish to join.
  2. Sort channels by Channel name, Creation date (newest first), Members (most to fewest), or Members (fewest to most). You can also filter channels by All channels, Private channels, or Archived channels. Click on a channel to view it.
  3. At the bottom of your workspace, you have the following options: Join Channel or See More Details. Click Join Channel to participate and send messages.

    Consider engaging in discussions with developer teams on channels like #baremetal, #block-storage, #database, #k8s, #object-storage, #container-registry, #opensource, or #gpu-instances to kickstart your involvement.

Adding the workspace to the Slack appLink to this anchor

If you are already using the Slack application on your phone or desktop, you can integrate the Scaleway workspace into it for easy access.

  1. Click Scaleway Community in the upper left corner of the screen to reveal a dropdown menu.
  2. Choose the last option, Open the Slack App, to launch the Slack app. You will be redirected, and shortly after, the Scaleway Community will be automatically added to your workspace index.
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