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Setting up a Nomad cluster with ACLs

Reviewed on 08 October 2024Published on 23 March 2023
  • orchestration
  • nomad
  • consul
  • packer
  • terraform

Before you startLink to this anchor

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
  • A valid API key
  • Installed Packer 1.7.7 or a later version
  • Installed Terraform 1.2.0 or a later version
  • Installed Nomad 1.3.3 or a later version

Clone the GitHub repositoryLink to this anchor

We have created a GitHub repository that contains all the code you need to deploy a Nomad cluster on Scaleway.

Clone the repository to your local machine using the following command:

git clone

Run the following command to access the learn-nomad-cluster-setup/scaleway directory:

cd learn-nomad-cluster-setup/scaleway

Files and directoriesLink to this anchor

In the scaleway directory, you will find the following files:

  • image.pkr.hcl - The Packer configuration file used to build the Nomad instance image.
  • - The Terraform configuration file used to deploy the Nomad cluster.
  • - The Terraform variables file used to configure the Nomad cluster.
  • - The script used to bootstrap the Nomad cluster.
  • variables.hcl.example - An example file of variables used to configure the Nomad cluster.

We will be using the variables.hcl.example file to configure the Nomad cluster.

Copy the example file to a new file called variables.hcl using the following command:

cp variables.hcl.example variables.hcl

Configure the Nomad tokenLink to this anchor

  1. Open the variables.hcl file in your text editor of choice and update the following variables:

    • project_id: the ID of your Project of choice.
    • nomad_consul_token_id: the Consul token ID used to bootstrap the Nomad cluster.
    • nomad_consul_token_secret: the Consul token secret used to bootstrap the Nomad cluster.

    These variables must be UUIDs.

  2. Generate a UUID using the following command:

    uuidgen | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]"
  3. Optionally, you can also generate UUIDs through Terraform console’s uuid() function:

    terraform console
    > uuid()
    > uuid()

We will configure the instance_image variable in the next step. You can uncomment and configure the rest of the variables as you wish or leave them as they are.

Build the Nomad Instance imageLink to this anchor

  1. Run the following command to initialize Packer:

    packer init image.pkr.hcl
  2. Run the following command to build the Nomad Instance image:

    packer build -var-file=variables.hcl image.pkr.hcl

    The following output should display once the build finishes:

    Build 'scaleway.hashistack' finished after 2 minutes 54 seconds.
    ==> Wait completed after 2 minutes 54 seconds
    ==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
    --> scaleway.hashistack: An image was created: 'hashistack-[random-number]' ...
  3. Copy the image name from the output.

  4. Run nano variables.hcl to open the variables.hcl file.

  5. Paste the image name next to the instance_image variable to configure your image.

  6. Press CTRL O and CTRL X to save and exit.

Example variables.hcl:

At this step, your variables.hcl file should look like the following. Make sure you replace nomad_consul_token_id and nomad_consul_token_secret with your own Consul token ID and secret.

# Packer variables (all are required)
zone = "fr-par-1"
# Terraform variables (all are required)
nomad_consul_token_id = "4fda5224-6d40-20dd-5dd4-4ce95c1026fb"
nomad_consul_token_secret = "6ae9f6f7-b6f1-4d3a-ea82-bcbea392daa0"
instance_image = "hashistack-20230310141424"
# The project ID will default to the value of the
# SCW_DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID environment variable or the
# default project ID configured with the Scaleway CLI
# project_id = "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"
# The retry join allows Consul to automatically
# discover other nodes in the cluster. An IAM key will
# be created in Terraform and appended to the retry_join
# variable
# retry_join = "provider=scaleway tag_name=consul-auto-join"
# These variables will default to the values shown
# and do not need to be updated unless you want to
# change them
# allowlist_ip = ""
# name = "nomad"
# server_instance_type = "PLAY2-NANO"
# server_count = "3"
# server_root_block_device_size = 20
# client_instance_type = "PLAY2-NANO"
# client_count = "3"

Deploy the Nomad clusterLink to this anchor

Now that we have built the Nomad Instance image and configured our variables, we can deploy the Nomad cluster using Terraform.

  1. Use the following command to initialize Terraform:

    terraform init
  2. Use the following command to deploy the Nomad cluster:

    terraform apply -var-file=variables.hcl
  3. Type yes when asked if you want to perform these actions, then click enter.

The following output should display once the deployment process finishes:

Apply complete! Resources: 1 added, 7 changed, 2 destroyed.
IP_Addresses = <<EOT
Client public IPs:,,
Server public IPs:,,
Server public IPs: 2
The Consul UI can be accessed at
with the bootstrap token: 6ae9f6f7-b6f1-4d3a-ea82-bcbea392daa0
consul_bootstrap_token_secret = "6ae9f6f7-b6f1-4d3a-ea82-bcbea392daa0"
lb_address_consul_nomad = ""

Use the Nomad CLILink to this anchor

  1. Run the script to set up your local environment to use the Nomad CLI:


    The following output displays:

    The nomad.token file already exists - not overwriting. If this is a new run, delete it first.
  2. Delete the nomad.token file and run ./ again.

    The script gives you the commands to use to set up NOMAD_ADDR and NOMAD_TOKEN environment variables:

    The Nomad user token has been saved locally to nomad.token and deleted from the Consul KV store.
    Set the following environment variables to access your Nomad cluster with the user token created during setup:
    export NOMAD_ADDR=$(terraform output -raw lb_address_consul_nomad):4646
    export NOMAD_TOKEN=$(cat nomad.token)
    The Nomad UI can be accessed at
    with the bootstrap token: 192049fd-52f7-4fa7-7797-b28b78bfcf84
  3. Run the following commands to set up the environment variables:

    export NOMAD_ADDR=$(terraform output -raw lb_address_consul_nomad):4646
    export NOMAD_TOKEN=$(cat nomad.token)
  4. You can now use the Nomad CLI to interact with the Nomad cluster:

    nomad node status

An output displays with your cluster’s information:

ID DC Name Class Drain Eligibility Status
ab8c236e dc1 nomad-client-0 <none> false eligible ready
b21e1d6e dc1 nomad-client-2 <none> false eligible ready
f1a6022a dc1 nomad-client-1 <none> false eligible ready
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