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Whispeak Login

Your voice is unique, just speak for a few seconds to be authenticated using biometrics. Passwords are not secured enough, secure authentication processes with a universal biometric factor.

Contact Sales


Whispeak login enables you to authenticate users using a few seconds of voice.

Secure your authentication processes bu adding an available, universal and easy to use biometric factor : Voice.

Using OIDC and SAML protocols, Whispeak can be plugged in directly into your Identity management system.

Who is the solution for?

Any company (large, medium or small) who needs to secure its authentication process either on the call center or in the login process

How to get started

Whispeak is offered as a SaaS solution deployed on Scaleway's infrastructure, once you contact us we'll open an account for you. Alternatively it can run on any modern Kubernetes cluster with persistence and ideally a postgresql database and S3 storage already accessible.


Contact Whispeak by clicking on the 'Contact Sales' in the banner at the top of this page button for a quote.


Support available during office hours.

Terms and Conditions

Learn more about Whispeak Terms and Conditions.


Supported Languages

English, French