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Compare Scaleway vs AWS

Build, deploy, and scale your apps on Europe’s most complete Cloud ecosystem.

Create a Business account and get started with €100 free credit.

Save 80% with a wide range of Cloud services

Fully integrated into Scaleway’s cloud ecosystem, rely on Scaleway free managed Kubernetes to build your workloads.

In Scaleway, we manage all Kubernetes components, allowing your platform to run smoothly. We synchronize Instances, GPU, Block Storage, and Load Balancers to be driven by K8s controllers.

Our Virtual Instances range is delivered in seconds and is made to meet all your workload needs, from personal projects to business-critical apps.

AWS EKSScaleway Kapsule
Control PlaneNo free tier - $0,01/hrFree
High AvailabilitySingle tenant infrastructureDedicated Control Plane option
CNCF certified
Cluster creation time15 min6:52 min
Kubernetetes DashboardUnstableStandard
e.g Compute Instance (name)t3.mediumCost-Optimized (PLAY2 Nano)
Dedicated Resources2vCPU 4GB RAM2vCPU 4GB RAM
Compute Price€0,0392€0,0270
Total cost/month (730h)
Control Plane + Worker node

An easy-to-use console

Whether it’s your first time building on the cloud or you’re a cloud native, you’ll find our console intuitive & robust. The fact that it’s beautiful is just a bonus.

A complete toolkit

We spend more time than we’d care to admit maintaining our APIs, SDKs, CLI & Terraform plugin, but it’s all worth it to make your cloud experience the best it can be.

Cloud support

For those mission-critical, time-sensitive problems, nothing beats our 24/7 support

What makes Scaleway the best alternative to AWS




Bare Metal


Multi cloud Integration


Console Experience

A bloated monstrosity


Full ecosystem

Functions, Containers, M&Q

Egress fee

Include 1To then $0,09/GB


European Provider


Kubernetes Integration

LB, Registry, volume EBS, VPC

LB, Registry, Block Storage, GPU

Vendor Support

Documentation, Twitch

Documentation, Slack community, Twitch

Dev Tools

Terraform, Pulumi, CLI, SDK

Terraform, Pulumi, CLI, SDK

Choose the cloud that makes sense

Managed Kubernetes

Free Control Plane, nodes from €0.027 ex. VAT/hour

Automatic deployment and scaling of your containers in the cloud with Scaleway’s free and fully managed Kubernetes control plane.

Managed Database

From €0.0139 ex. VAT/hour

Fully managed PostgreSQL and MySQL databases in seconds. Worry-free hosting for your most valuable assets.

Object Storage

750 GB/h free for 90 days

S3-compatible and Multi-AZ resilient object storage service. Ensuring high availability for your data.

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    A robust community of support

    Connect with thousands of developers from all over the world to get answers and share learnings.
    We invest heavily in open source communities like the CNCF.

    Comprehensive documentation

    Everything you need to learn to build, deploy and scale your applications, with tutorials and multiple code samples to go from start to scale.

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    Scaleway Slack community

    By joining our workspace you can discuss the projects you are currently developing on your Scaleway infrastructure directly with our teams and other members of the Scaleway community.

    A Startup Program for all sizes

    We support startups to scale their business and extend their network in the ecosystem.
    We offer you the perfect combination to grow: cloud resources, infrastructure advisors and startup experts.

Frequently asked questions

How do I sign up for the free trial?

If you are eligible, your free trial will start when you redeem the voucher code sent to you by email within 24 hours.

Who is eligible for the free trial?

New Business customers to Scaleway with a valid payment method are eligible. To be eligible, you must never have had an invoice issued by Scaleway (a €0 invoice is considered an invoice).