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Account FAQ

Reviewed on 11 March 2025

Account access and securityLink to this anchor

My account is locked. What do I do?Link to this anchor

If your account is locked, contact our support team to learn the reason for the blockage and discover how to regain access.

I’ve been invited to an Organization, but can’t see any resourcesLink to this anchor

When you create a Scaleway account after being invited to join a specific Organization, a personal Organization is automatically created for you.

If you only want to work on the Project you have been invited to, you can switch Organizations and Projects using the drop-down menu on the console dashboard.

Can I reopen a closed account?Link to this anchor

Yes, you can reopen a closed account. However, a closed account’s resources are permanently deleted, and you cannot retrieve them.

How can I report spam content that I received?Link to this anchor

You can report spam easily by installing the Signal Spam plugin, which is available for web browsers, email clients, and iOS devices. The plugin, represented by an owl-shaped button, allows you to flag unwanted emails or malicious URLs (such as phishing or scams) directly from your inbox.

When you report spam, your information is processed in real-time and shared with authorized entities that can take appropriate actions, such as identifying spammers, enforcing legal measures, and blacklisting harmful URLs. While Signal Spam does not filter emails or act as an antivirus, your reports help improve security measures and contribute to a safer online environment.

To get started, install the plugin (available for Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera browsers and Mac Mail, Outlook, and Thunderbird mail clients) or follow the official reporting path at Signal Spam for further support.

Account managementLink to this anchor

Can I change my Organization’s country?Link to this anchor

If you need to change your Organization country and region, you must create a support ticket.

To make the process faster, when creating your ticket, inform us of your Organization’s new address, including: street address, city, postal code, region, and country.

How do I delete my Organization?Link to this anchor

Closing your account permanently deletes your Organization, along with its servers, resources, services, and backups.


We recommend that you delete all resources before closing your account. Otherwise, the remaining resources will be billed for usage before their manual deletion, which can take up to 10 days.

I would like to delete my personal dataLink to this anchor

Refer to the How to delete your account and personal data documentation.


Once you request the deletion of your account and personal data, you will no longer be able to access your account or invoices. The request will take at least 72 hours to be processed. You must make sure all your bills are paid, and that you have not used any resources since the beginning of the current calendar month.

Where can I find my Organization ID?Link to this anchor

You can find your Organization ID by accessing the Settings page of your Organization dashboard.

In the first section, Organization Information, you will find the ID and a shortcut to copy it, if necessary.

How do I change my email address?Link to this anchor

To change your email address:

  1. On the Scaleway console, go to your profile.
  2. Under the section User information, click Edit profile.
  3. Enter a new address under Email address, then click Confirm changes to save your modification.
  4. Confirm your new email address by clicking the link sent to your inbox.

Project and resource managementLink to this anchor

Can I move a Project to another account?Link to this anchor

At this moment, it is not possible to move a Project from one account to another.

I have created a resource in the wrong Project. Can I move it?Link to this anchor

At this moment, it is not possible to move a resource from one Project to another. If you need to move a resource, you must delete it and create it again in the right Project.

How can I get more quotas?Link to this anchor

You can get more quotas by adding and verifying your payment method and identity.

If you have already completed these two steps and still need an increase in quotas, contact our support team and inform them which product you need more quotas for.

I don’t seem to have access to my Organization’s resourcesLink to this anchor

If you do not have access to certain Organization resources, you might not have the necessary IAM permission set.

Read the documentation on permission sets​ to learn more about the different access levels.

Contact an Organization owner or a member with the necessary permissions to request rights to the resources you require access to.

SupportLink to this anchor

What is my current support plan?Link to this anchor

You can find your support plan on the support plan page within the Scaleway console. The free Basic support plan is included for all Scaleway customers automatically.

How can I change my current support plan?Link to this anchor

You can change your support plan on the support plan page via the Scaleway console.

How frequently can I change my plan?Link to this anchor

You can switch plans once a month.

I would like to upgrade my plan to get faster responses. Once I upgrade, how soon will I receive the benefits of my new plan?Link to this anchor

When you change your plan, the upgrade is applied immediately.

If I upgrade my support plan in the middle of the month, how will I be billed?Link to this anchor

You will be billed on a pro rata basis. For example, if you switch from the Silver plan to the Gold plan on the 20th of the month, you will be billed from the first to the 19th for the Silver plan. Starting from the 20th until the end of the month, you will be charged for the Gold plan.

How does the Gold plan pricing work?Link to this anchor

For the Gold plan, we will charge you whichever is greater, either €499 (excluding taxes) or 3% of your net spend. For example:

  • If your net monthly spend is €15,000, then 3% of €15,000 = €450. In this case, €450 is less than €499, so you will pay the fixed price at €499.
  • If your net monthly spend is €17.000, then 3% of €17.000 = €510. In this case €510 is higher than €499, so you will pay the price of €510 for the month.

Which language does the support team speak?Link to this anchor

Our support team can assist you in English and French, via ticket and/or phone, depending on your support plan level.

How do I create a support ticket?Link to this anchor

You can create and track your support tickets from the Scaleway console. Follow this how to for more details.

How do I report abuse or suspected abuse coming from the Scaleway network?Link to this anchor

To report abuse or suspicion of abuse from our network, open a new abuse report via Include as many details as possible in your report such as logs, header, URL and any information you might find relevant in your report.


More information on how to report abuse can be found in Scaleway’s Abuse notice.

I am a Bronze plan subscriber. Can I keep my old plan?Link to this anchor

Your plan remains unchanged until January 1, 2023. Past this date, the Bronze plan will be removed from our pages, and you will automatically be moved to the Silver plan. If you do not wish to be subscribed to the Silver plan, you can downgrade your support plan to Basic.

What will be included in my future Silver plan?Link to this anchor

New Silver Plan
Pricing€59/month excluding taxes
Dedicated assistanceMon-Fri from 9 AM to 6 PM
Guaranteed response time< 1 hour
Team supportDedicated Premium Team
Custom Onboarding-
Quarterly technical review-
On demand architecture review-

I subscribed to the Silver Plan before October 1. Can I keep it unchanged?Link to this anchor

Your plan remains unchanged until January 1st, 2023. Past this date, the new modalities of the Silver plan will apply.

What changes with the new Silver plan?Link to this anchor

Old Silver PlanNew Silver Plan
Pricing€59/month excluding taxes€59/month excluding taxes
Dedicated assistanceHotline 24/7Mon-Fri from 9 AM to 6 PM
Guaranteed response time< 20 minutes< 1 hour
Team supportTechnical Account ManagerDedicated Premium Team
Custom Onboarding--
Quarterly technical review--
On demand architecture review--

How frequently can I benefit from an architecture review?Link to this anchor

You can benefit from an architecture review every 6 months (maximum). Architecture reviews are available only after the third month of subscription to the Gold Plan. If you would like to benefit from an architecture review right away after subscribing, you can reach out to your Customer Success Manager or contact the support team.

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