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How to recover a lost password

Reviewed on 01 October 2024Published on 11 June 2021

If you forget or lose the password to your Scaleway account, there are several methods you can use to regain access.

Before you startLink to this anchor

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account

The magic link allows you to access your account without a password, using multifactor authentication.

Click Send magic link on the Login page of the Scaleway console.

A secret link is sent to your email. You can access your account by clicking on the link.

Reset your password using email validationLink to this anchor

If you forget or lose your password, you can request to reset it.

  1. From the Scaleway console login page, Click Log in with password.
  2. Click Forgot your password?, or access the lost password page.
  3. Enter your email address and click Reset password. A password reset link is sent to your email address.
  4. Click the link in the email address to reset your password.
  5. Enter your new password and click Reset password to set the new password for your account. You are redirected to the Login page.
  6. Log in to the console with your email address and your new password.

Recover your password if you lost access to your email accountLink to this anchor

If you lose access to your email account, you will not be able to reset the password directly from the Scaleway console.

If you cannot access your email account, you must send us a request to update your contact information with the following pieces of identification:

  • Email address
  • Postal address
  • If your account is:
    • an individual account, a document proving your identity (passport or local ID card)
    • a corporate account, a copy of a business registration certificate, and a certified translation in either English or French if the document was issued in another language
  • A phone number to contact you
  • Copy of your last Scaleway invoice or the amount charged if you do not have a copy
  • A card or bank statement showing your Scaleway invoice debit

Once you have gathered all the required documents, send the request by email to:

We will update the email address on receipt of the application, subject to validation.

Once your email address has been updated, you can use the lost password form to receive the recovery codes for your account.

Password security guidelinesLink to this anchor

Besides the usual guidelines you should follow to create a complex password (must contain UPPERCASE and lowercase letters, symbols (@, $, &, …) and numbers), some basic rules exist to keep your password and your account safe:

  • Never give your password to anyone. Especially not via email, IRC, Slack, WhatsApp, or any messaging system. Scaleway employees will never ask you for your password.
  • Use multifactor authentication to add an extra layer of security.
  • Do not write down your password.
  • Always log out of your account at the end of each session, or if you are away from your computer.
See also
How to change a passwordHow to open a support ticket
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