Apple silicon FAQ
What is the minimum allocation period for an Apple Silicon Mac mini?Link to this anchor
The minimum lease period for Apple Silicon-as-a-Service is 24 hours due to license constraints. A Mac mini can only be deleted after a minimum allocation period of 24 hours.
How many public IP addresses can I assign to a Mac mini?Link to this anchor
Each Mac mini can have one IPv4 address and one IPv6 subnet (/128
How can I reinstall my Mac mini?Link to this anchor
To reinstall your Mac mini, navigate to the Scaleway console, then go to the Apple Silicon page. From there, select the server you wish to reinstall and locate the Reinstall button. Click it, and you will be prompted to choose the macOS version for the reinstallation process. Once selected, the reinstallation will commence automatically.
How can I back up my Mac mini?Link to this anchor
You can back up your Mac mini using a backup solution of your choice. Examples include:
- Restic for command-line backups.
- Arq Backup for graphical interface backups.
Both solutions allow you to store backups on our Object Storage.
What is preinstalled on the Mac mini?Link to this anchor
When you rent a Mac mini, it comes with a bare environment. The pre-installed tools include:
- The latest Xcode version compatible with the OS
- MacPorts for package management
for VNC access filteringscw-agent
, a daemon maintained by Scaleway to provide essential integration services such as updating your ssh keys.
What operations are unsupported?Link to this anchor
Certain operations are restricted by default MDM configuration profiles:
- You don’t have access to the physical machine, thus no access to macOS recovery.
- Certain admin actions, like system Time Machine restoration and boot system policies, are not possible.
Do I pay for my Mac mini when I am not using it?Link to this anchor
Yes, you pay for your Mac mini as long as it is assigned to your account. You must explicitly delete it in the console or via the CLI to stop charges. For deletion instructions, see How to delete Mac mini.
Are Mac minis compatible with Private Networks?Link to this anchor
Yes, you can now activate the Private Networks feature on your Mac mini, and attach it to a Private Network so that it can securely communicate with other Scaleway resources. For full details, see the Mac mini Private Networks documentation.