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Reviewed on 28 November 2024

Audit TrailLink to this anchor

Audit Trail is a tool that holds a record of events and changes performed within a Scaleway Organization. Audit Trail allows you to keep track of all actions, whether successful, attempted, or failed, perfomed on your Scaleway resources.

With Audit Trail you can view actions taken by any principal in any Project and on any of your Scaleway resources. You can also see the API methods used, the outcome of the action performed (status), and the IP address from which a principal performed an action.

Audit Trail allows you to view the metadata of the API method used, allowing you to investigate incidents and troubleshoot issues.

EventLink to this anchor

An event is a record of any activity related to your Scaleway resources, encompassing actions by users, applications, or Scaleway.

ProjectLink to this anchor

In the context of Audit Trail, a Project refers to the place where the Scaleway resources being monitored are located. They can be located in different Scaleway Projects, of different Scaleway Organizations.

MethodLink to this anchor

A method in the context of Audit Trail is the API call sent to the Audit Trail API whenever a principal takes an action (whether successful, attempted, or failed) on any Scaleway resource.

RegionLink to this anchor

A region is the geographical area in which your resources are located (Paris, Amsterdam). Audit Trail is not available for the Poland - Warsaw region.

Audit Trail allows you to select and filter your resources by region and Scaleway Project. This allows you to better sort through your resources.

StatusLink to this anchor

A status is the API response returned whenever an action was taken on a resource by a principal. There are two statuses:

  • 200: the API request was executed.

  • 403: permission to access the API was denied.

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