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Billing FAQ

Reviewed on 17 February 2025

Billing and invoicingLink to this anchor

How am I billed for Scaleway services?Link to this anchor

All Public Cloud services are based on the “pay as you go” model, which means that you only pay for what you use.

Your monthly invoice is calculated at the end of each month and based on your hourly resource usage during the month.


Some of our products are invoiced separately.

For example: The Stardust1-s indicated at €0,0025 excl/hour can be split up as follows:

  • €0.00198/hour for the IP
  • €0.0004/hour for the 10 GB of Local Storage
  • €0.00012/hour for the instance

For more information, refer to our dedicated pricing page.

When does the billing of an Instance start and stop?Link to this anchor

The final price of your Instance is calculated according to the characteristics of your resource. Each of these resources is billed separately for a minimum of 60 minutes.

Each uninterrupted period between a start and a stop billing event will be considered a unique resource. It is the number of these unique resources noted within a month that are displayed in the consumption table of your invoice.

Below is a detailed list of what is considered start and stop billing events for each resource class:

Resource typeBilling StartsBilling StopsComments
Compute InstancesThe moment you click the Power On button (when your Instance is already powered off).The moment the Instance is Powered Off.The Instance is not billed during its shutdown process. A hard reboot will keep the ongoing resource running.
Elastic Metal serversThe moment the server is created.The moment the server is deleted.When an Elastic Metal server is powered off, the physical machine remains allocated to the user’s account, meaning the resource continues to be billed.
Apple siliconThe moment the Mac mini is created.The moment the Mac mini is deleted.Due to license constraints, the minimum lease for Apple silicon-as-a-Service is 24 hours. As a result, a Mac mini can only be deleted after a minimum allocation period of 24 hours. When a Mac mini is powered off, the physical machine remains allocated to the user’s account, meaning the resource continues to be billed.
Flexible IP addressThe moment you reserve an IP.The moment you cancel a reservation.This class of IP is billed as long as you keep the reservation open. You will be billed whether you are effectively using the IP or not.
Dynamic IP addressWhen a dynamic IP is associated with a running Compute Instance.When a dynamic IP is detached from a running Compute Instance which has just been shut down
Volume storageOnce a volume has been created.Once a volume has been deleted.
Snapshot storageOnce a snapshot has been created.Once a snapshot has been deleted.

What does pro-rata billing for Dedibox and Web Hosting services mean?Link to this anchor

You are billed pro-rata for the initial month of a subscription. This means the charge is adjusted to reflect the portion of the first month you used the service. Starting from the second month onward, you are billed in full at the beginning of each month, covering the entire upcoming billing period in advance. This billing model ensures that you pay for the service based on your actual usage for the first month and then in advance for subsequent months.

How to read my invoice?Link to this anchor

Refer to the Reading an invoice documentation page for a detailed description of your invoices.

When are invoices issued?Link to this anchor

Invoices are issued each month based on the resource consumption of the previous month. Our reference billing period is the definition of a calendar month in the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time zone. The automatic payment of invoices occurs in the first few days of a month, once the invoice is issued and is processed by using the preferred payment method of your account.

How can I manage my billing?Link to this anchor

You can manage your billing from the billing section of the Scaleway console. Your recent invoices as well as the consumption report for the current month are available for download. Alternatively, you can retrieve your consumption information and download your invoices using the API.

What does the status of my invoice mean?Link to this anchor

The status of an invoice can be:

  • Draft - Refers to the invoice for the current calendar month. The billing period has not yet finished, so the invoice is not finalized and is subject to change.
  • Stopped - Refers to invoices where the billing period (calendar month) has ended, but the invoice is not yet issued.
  • Issued - Refers to a final invoice awaiting payment. It has a unique number and is non-repudiable. The invoice charges for the resources consumed over the corresponding billing period.
  • Paid - Refers to a fully paid invoice. No further action is required.
  • Incomplete - Refers to invoices where the user has provided incorrect billing details or payment information, or elements of this information are missing. The user must update this information as soon as possible to avoid having their account deleted.
  • Outdated - Refers to invoices where there has been a change in billing information, for example, a discount has been applied, or the client has amended their billing details. An updated invoice will be issued soon.
  • Voided - Refers to invoices with an amount of €0 before any discounts are applied. No further action is required.
  • No due - Refers to an invoice that does not require payment from the user. The invoice has been issued, but the amount due is €0 or has been waived, and no further action is required from the user.

How long do I have to pay my invoice before my resources get locked?Link to this anchor

After your invoice is issued, you have ten days to pay it. If you fail to settle your invoice within this period, your account will be suspended, and your resources will become inaccessible. You will have another ten days to pay your invoice before your resources are deleted.

Why have I been billed for resources that are deactivated or powered off?Link to this anchor

If you were billed for resources that have been correctly stopped, please contact our support team, providing the name of the product and resource, and the date of deactivation.

I deleted my account, but still received an invoice. Why?Link to this anchor

Scaleway invoices are calculated at the end of each month, so you may receive a final invoice the month after closing your account. That corresponds to your outstanding consumption for your final month of activity.

Payments and payment methodsLink to this anchor

Which payment methods does Scaleway accept?Link to this anchor

We accept Visa, MasterCard, CB, UnionPay, American Express, and SEPA. Virtual and pre-paid credit cards are not accepted. Note that you must add a credit card to your account before setting up a SEPA mandate.

How can I pay my invoice?Link to this anchor

We automatically initiate one payment transaction from your preferred payment method at the start of each new month. Once an invoice is issued, you have 10 days to regularize it (see section 6.3 of our Terms of Service). As a reminder, the due date of payment is displayed on each invoice once issued.

If the automatic payment fails, you will be notified by mail of payment failure and invited to initiate a new transaction from your account.

If after several manual attempts you cannot manage to trigger a successful transaction, you may add another credit card. Keep in mind to make this card the active card and re-initiate a payment transaction.


Failed SEPA payments can only be regularized by credit or debit card payment.


If you are unable to settle your invoice after the due date, your account is going to be suspended and your resources will be unreachable. You will then have another ten days to regularize your invoice before your resources are deleted.

Can I use a virtual or prepaid card as a payment method?Link to this anchor

No. Virtual or prepaid cards are not accepted as payment methods. When using a credit card, ensure you are using a physical card, protected by 3D secure.

Can I pay my invoice using a different payment method?Link to this anchor

Unpaid invoices have to be paid with a credit card. You can add new credit cards to your account.

How can I obtain a SEPA Mandate?Link to this anchor

Refer to the How to add a payment method documentation page for a complete guide on how to add a SEPA mandate.

My credit card validation code expired. What should I do?Link to this anchor

If your validation code expires, please contact our support team to request a new code.

I tried to add a credit card but received the message ‘Card already registered’Link to this anchor

A credit card can only be registered once across all Organizations. If you receive this message, make sure you do not have the same card already registered to another Scaleway account.

If you only have one payment method and need to use it on more than one account, contact our support team to request an individual verification.

I added a physical credit card, but it was declined. Why?Link to this anchor

If your credit card complies with the payment requirements but still was declined, please contact our support team for assistance.

I added a credit card but didn’t receive the validation code. What do I do?Link to this anchor

It usually takes up to 24 hours to receive the validation code.

Why can’t I delete my credit card?Link to this anchor

You must always have a valid credit card registered to your account. If you have only one credit card registered, it will not be possible to delete it from your account, even if you use a SEPA debit as payment method.

It is also not possible to remove a credit card from your account if you have one or more outstanding invoices. If that is the case, make sure you have paid any issued invoice(s) and have no consumption in the current calendar month, and retry.

If your case does not match the situations above and you still cannot remove your credit card, contact our support team for a manual verification.

Can I extend an expired voucher code?Link to this anchor

No, voucher codes cannot be extended. They have a limited validity period.

Account and billing managementLink to this anchor

How can I add a billing contact to my account?Link to this anchor

The billing contact is an additional contact linked to your account which will receive your monthly invoices. This can be useful if invoices in your Organization are handled by another department. You can add a billing contact directly from the User Account section of your Scaleway console.

  1. Log into your Scaleway console.
  2. On the Organization drop-down menu, click Billing. The billing section displays.
  3. Enter the new billing contact e-mail address.
  4. Click Save.

    The billing contact is only an administrative contact. It can not be used to connect to the Scaleway console.

How can I change the country or region registered to my account?Link to this anchor

It is not possible to edit your country and region directly from the Scaleway console. Please contact our support team if you need to change this information.

Be prepared to inform us of your new address, including country, region, city, postal code, and street address. Our team will then proceed to update your account details.

VAT and taxesLink to this anchor

Do the prices shown on the website include EU VAT?Link to this anchor

Prices announced on our website exclude all taxes.

Because we are a European company, we are required to charge VAT on all orders made by European individual customers (B2C). The appropriate VAT rate is automatically applied to your invoice, depending on your fiscal residence. Just make sure the administrative details on your profile, such as postal address, recipient name, and phone number are in order. No other additional taxes, but European VAT is collected.

If you are not located in one of the 27 member states of the European Union, no other tax will be added to your invoice, per application of EU laws. European B2B customers (excluding French B2B customers) are exempted from VAT, as long as they provide a registered VAT number. Just add your VAT registry number to your profile, and your invoice will be updated accordingly.

Do I have to provide a VAT number?Link to this anchor

If you do not provide a valid VAT number, you will be considered an individual customer (B2C), and the local rate will be applied.

How can I remove or update my VAT number?Link to this anchor

It is impossible to edit your VAT number once a value has been set. Contact our support team if you need to update it.

Savings plans and discountsLink to this anchor

Why is my Savings Plan charge lower than expected?Link to this anchor

When you commit to an amount and purchase a Savings Plan, you receive a monthly discount based on your committed rate and the duration of your plan. If you find that the rate you pay monthly is smaller than the committed rate, this is because your discount was applied. Refer to the Understanding Savings Plan documentation page for more information.

Why am I incurring charges while my Savings Plan utilization is less than 100%?Link to this anchor

When you purchase a Savings Plan, you commit to a monthly rate in resource consumption. This means that even if you do not consume enough resources, you are still billed for the full committed rate with discounts. Refer to the Understanding Savings Plan documentation page for more information.

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