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Block Storage FAQ

Reviewed on 03 March 2025

Why should I use Block Storage instead of Local Storage?Link to this anchor

The size of Local Storage depends on your Instance type. With today’s configurations, the maximum Local Storage available is 600 GB.

Block Storage allows you to create bigger volumes and those volumes are persistent which means that they can live without being attached to an Instance.

Block StorageLocal Storage
AvailabilityHighHV dependant (needs physical intervention to retrieve storage and data if HV dies)
RedundancyHigh (replica 3)Low (RAID 5 - 5 disks)
PersistencyYesSemi-persistent (a snapshot of the volume is uploaded and downloaded each time the Instance is powered off/on)
LatencyAverageLocal NVMe
Volume sizeMax 10 TB/volumeUp to 600 GB (GP1-XL)

What is the difference between Block Storage volume types?Link to this anchor

Volume typeIOPSUnderlying hardwareLatencyMax volume sizeRecommended use casesAvailability & resilience
b_ssd (Block Storage 5K legacy)5,000Legacy SSDsHighUp to 10 TBGeneral-purpose workloads that do not demand high IOPS or low latencyData is replicated three times across multiple disks for high availability and integrity
sbs_5k (Block Low Latency 5K)5,000Modern NVMe disksLow5 GB to 10 TBDevelopment environments, web servers, and applications needing consistent performance99.99% SLA, triple-replicated data to safeguard against hardware failures
sbs_15k (Block Low Latency 15K)15,000Modern NVMe disksVery low5 GB to 10 TBHigh-performance databases, transactional applications, and I/O-intensive workloads99.99% SLA, triple-replicated data to safeguard against hardware failures

You can attach a maximum of 16 volumes (including the mandatory boot volume) to a single Instance.


Refer to the dedicated documentation for more information on the differences between Block Storage 5K legacy volumes and Block Storage Low Latency 5K volumes.

What are the performances expected from a block volume?Link to this anchor

Block Storage offers 5,000 input/output operations per second (IOPS) through powerful SSDs. However, this performance is subject to fluctuation during peak load periods.

What is the behavior of the block volume when an Instance is stopped, deleted, or crashed?Link to this anchor

A block volume is persistent which means that it can live without being attached to an Instance. Nevertheless, when an Instance is deleted, the following can be expected:

  • When the Instance is deleted via the Scaleway console, you will be asked if you want the distant block volumes to be deleted as well or not.
  • When deleting an Instance via the API, all the attached volumes (local and Block Storage) are deleted. So if you want to keep your local volumes, you must use the archive action instead of the terminate action.
  • If you want to keep Block Storage volumes, you must detach them before you issue the terminate call.

How many volumes can be attached?Link to this anchor

A virtual Instance can bear up to 16 volumes, including the mandatory local volume. Therefore, the maximum number of blocks that can be attached to an Instance is 15.

What is the maximum size of a block volume?Link to this anchor

The maximum size of a block volume is 10 TB.

How is the Block Storage fee calculated?Link to this anchor

The Block Storage billing scheme is not the same as for Object Storage. You are billed by the hour based on the size of the volume and not the data that is actually stored on it. Just like a local drive, you can select the size of the volume directly from the Scaleway console or the API.

What other Scaleway resources are compatible with Block Storage?Link to this anchor

Block Storage volumes are compatible with Scaleway Instances, Managed Dabatase for PostgreSQL and MySQL, and Kubernetes Kapsule clusters.

How can I convert a Block Storage legacy volume into a Block Storage Low Latency volume?Link to this anchor

Although there is no direct way to change the storage class of a volume while preserving its ID, you can still convert a Block Storage legacy volume (along with its data) into a Block Storage Low Latency volume using the snapshot export/import features as a temporary solution. This allows you to transition a Block Storage legacy (b_ssd) snapshot into a Block Storage Low Latency (sbs_5k or sbs_15k) snapshot and then turn the snapshot into a Block Storage Low Latency volume.


The process below requires manual intervention and does not preserve the original volume’s ID. While this approach allows you to transition to a Block Storage Low Latency volume, it is only a workaround.

  1. Create a snapshot of your Block Storage legacy volume.
  2. Export the snapshot.
  3. Import the snapshot into a new Low Latency volume.

Find out how to migrate your Block Storage volumes and snapshots from the Instance API to the Block Storage API.

Find out about the advantages of migrating the management of your volumes and snapshots from the Instance API to the Block Storage API.

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