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Kubernetes - Quickstart
Scaleway Kubernetes Kapsule and Kosmos provide a managed environment to create, configure, and run a cluster of preconfigured machines for containerized applications. This allows you to create Kubernetes clusters without the complexity of managing the infrastructure. You can create a Kapsule cluster to your required specifications, edit it after creation, and delete it all when you no longer need it. You might also want to check out our how-to on deploying an image on your cluster.
Kubernetes decision tree
Before you start
To complete the actions presented below, you must have:
- A Scaleway account logged into the console
- Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
How to create a Kubernetes cluster
Cluster configuration
This guide covers the creation of a Kubernetes Kapsule cluster. For Kubernetes Kosmos clusters, refer to the Kubernetes Kosmos documentation.
- Navigate to Kubernetes under the Containers section of the Scaleway console side menu. The Kubernetes dashboard displays.
- Click Create cluster to launch the cluster creation wizard.
- On the cluster configuration page, provide the following details:
- Check the Organization and Project for the new cluster.
You cannot move a cluster from one Organization or Project to another once created.
- Select Kubernetes Kapsule as the cluster type, which uses exclusively Scaleway Instances.
This guide covers the creation of a Kubernetes Kapsule cluster. For Kubernetes Kosmos clusters, refer to the Kubernetes Kosmos documentation.
- Choose the geographical region for the cluster.
- Select the control plane offer for your cluster. Options include shared or dedicated control planes.
Need help deciding on a control plane offer? Learn more about our Kubernetes control plane offers.
- Specify the Kubernetes version for your cluster.
- Check the Organization and Project for the new cluster.
- Enter the cluster’s details. Provide a name for the cluster. Optionally, you can add a description and tags for better organization.
- Configure the Private Network for the cluster to ensure secure and isolated network communication. Each cluster is auto-configured with a /22 IP subnet. Click Select Private Network to:
- Attach an existing Private Network (VPC) within the same Availability Zone from the drop-down menu.
- Attach a new Private Network to the cluster.
ImportantThe Private Network cannot be detached, and the cluster cannot be moved to another Private Network post-creation.
- Click Configure pools to proceed.
Pool configuration
This section outlines the settings for your cluster pools. You can configure as many pools for your cluster as you require.
- Configure the following for each pool:
- Choose an Availability Zone for the pool’s nodes.
- Select the node type for the pool.
Need advice on choosing a node type? Learn more about Kubernetes nodes.
- Configure the system volume. This volume contains the operating system of the nodes in your pool.
- Configure pool options, including node count and whether to enable autoscaling. Options also include enabling autoheal and linking to a placement group, or you can retain default settings.
- Unsure about the autoheal feature? Learn more about autoheal.
- Need more information about placement groups? Learn more about placement groups.
- Enable full isolation, if required.
Need more information on full isolation? Learn more about full isolation.
- Click Add pool to integrate the pool into the cluster.
- To add more pools, click Expand and repeat the steps above.
You can add or remove pools as needed before finalizing your cluster configuration. To remove a pool, click Remove within the respective pool.
- Once all pools are configured, click Review to finalize your cluster setup.
Review configuration
- Review the configuration details of your Kubernetes cluster and its pools.
To modify any element, click the «Edit Icon» Edit icon next to the respective configuration component.
- Click Create cluster to deploy your cluster. Once deployment is complete, the cluster appears in the clusters list.
How to add a Scaleway pool to a Kubernetes cluster
- Click Kubernetes in the Containers section of the side menu. The Kubernetes dashboard displays.
- Click «See more Icon» next to the cluster you want to edit. Click Add pool in the menu. The pool configuration wizard displays.
- This page concerns the configuration of your cluster. Enter the following information:
- The geographical region of the pool.
- The node type for the pool.
- If required, configure the pool options like autoscaling, autohealing, or link the pool to an existing placement group.
- The name for the pool. Optionally, you can assign tags to it.
- Click Add pool.
How to add a multi-cloud pool to a Kubernetes cluster
- Click Kubernetes in the Containers section of the side menu. The Kubernetes dashboard displays.
- Click «See more Icon» next to the pool you want to edit. Click Add pool in the menu. The pool configuration wizard displays.
- Click Add pool.
How to add external nodes to a multi-cloud pool
Click Kubernetes in the Containers section of the Scaleway console side menu. The Kubernetes dashboard displays.
Click Create cluster. The first page of the cluster creation wizard displays. This concerns the configuration of your cluster.
Complete the following steps of the wizard:
- Choose a cluster type. Select Kubernetes Kosmos to create a cluster, that allows you to attach a compute Instance or dedicated server from any Cloud provider to a Scaleway Kubernetes control plane.
This document concerns the creation and management of a Kubernetes Kosmos cluster. To create a Kubernetes Kapsule cluster, refer to the Kubernetes Kapsule documentation.
- The geographical region of the cluster.
- The Kubernetes version for the cluster.
- A name for the cluster and, optionally, a description and tags.
- Choose a cluster type. Select Kubernetes Kosmos to create a cluster, that allows you to attach a compute Instance or dedicated server from any Cloud provider to a Scaleway Kubernetes control plane.
Click Create cluster to create your cluster without any Scaleway pools. If you choose this option, your cluster and its control plane are deployed, and you are taken to the cluster’s overview tab. Continue to How to manage your Kubernetes Kosmos cluster to find out how to add multi-cloud pools to your cluster.
Alternatively, click Add and configure a pool to add a pool of Scaleway nodes to your cluster. In this case, the second page of the cluster creation wizard displays. This concerns the settings for your pool.
Enter the following information to configure a Scaleway pool:
- The Availability Zone in which all your pool’s nodes will be created.
- The node type you need.
- The configuration for your pool options, including the number of nodes and whether to enable autoscale. You can also choose whether to enable autoheal and whether to link the cluster to a placement group. Alternatively, you can leave these options at default values.
Click Create cluster. Your cluster is deployed, and you are taken to the cluster’s Overview tab.
Make sure you have:
- An
server running with Ubuntu or Debian, having a public IP assigned to it. - A Scaleway secret key.
For more information about adding external nodes to your Kosmos cluster, refer to our dedicated How to manage a Kosmos cluster documentation.
How to edit a Kubernetes cluster
- Click Kubernetes in the Containers section of the side menu. The Kubernetes dashboard displays.
- Click «See more Icon» next to the cluster you want to edit.
- Choose the option you require:
- Add pool: Add additional computing resources to the cluster.
- Get kubeconfig: Download the
file of the cluster. - Delete: Delete the cluster.
Click the name of the cluster you want to edit to display all available options.
How to delete a Kubernetes cluster
- Click Kubernetes in the Containers section of the side menu. The Kubernetes dashboard displays.
- Click «See more Icon» to display the options menu, then click Delete. A cluster deletion pop-up displays.
- Type DELETE to confirm the deletion of your cluster. Tick the checkbox to automatically delete all volumes (including those with volume type “retain”) and Load Balancers whose names start with the cluster ID. Validate your choice by clicking Delete cluster.
Deleting your cluster will permanently destroy your cluster and all its associated pools and Instances. External compute resources cannot be destroyed automatically and will remain active until destroyed at the concerned cloud service provider (CSP).