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RPN - Concepts

Reviewed on 03 March 2025

Q-in-Q modeLink to this anchor

Q-in-Q mode allows you to use more VLANs than you can use in Normal Mode.

Q-in-Q takes the packets you send, along with your tags, and adds a special tag in the packet’s header. This way, we keep your tags inside our tag, and use numerous possible VLANs on your side (up to 4096 per server).


Q-in-Q mode is not available on all offers. If you add a server that is not compatible with Q-in-Q mode, an error message displays. Do not hesitate to contact our support team if you have any questions regarding the Q-in-Q compatibility of a server.

RPNLink to this anchor

Real Private Network (RPN) is a second physical network that uses a dedicated Ethernet adapter to enable network coverage over all of Scaleway data centers. You can create “RPN Groups” with different servers that are able to communicate with each other. Servers of different accounts can be in the same RPN group, and each server can be in multiple groups. The RPN allows you to exchange internal data in a dedicated and secure network and without using the bandwidth of your internet connection. “Jumboframes” with an MTU of 9000 are supported in the RPN.

RPN SANLink to this anchor

The RPN SAN is a network-attached storage providing additional storage for your Dedibox. The RPN-SAN Basic provides a cost-efficient way to extend your storage with HDD-based storage. The RPN-SAN HA provides high-available storage, replicated intra-DC, and is available in both HDD-based and SSD-based storage for best performance.

RPN v2Link to this anchor

RPN-v2 is a new version of Dedibox RPN Network (Real Private Network). It allows much more configuration, such as:

  • Custom address plan inside a private VLAN
  • Layer 2 Network
  • No MAC address restriction
  • Multicast

RPN VPNLink to this anchor

RPN VPN allows you to connect to your RPN group using a VPN. The VPN is based on OpenVPN to ensure easy configuration. You can add the VPN server to your RPN group as any other server. Notably, it allows you to securely connect from anywhere in your private network, as well as to connect servers that do not have an RPN interface to the RPN.

VLANLink to this anchor

A virtual local area network (VLAN) is a logical group of workstations, servers, and network devices that appear to be on the same LAN despite their geographical distribution. The purpose of implementing a VLAN is to improve the performance of a network or apply appropriate security features.

VLAN IDLink to this anchor

VLANs are identified by a VLAN ID (a number between 0 – 4095), with the default VLAN on any network being VLAN 1. Each port on a switch or router can be assigned to be a member of a VLAN (enabling the receiving and sending traffic on that VLAN).

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