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How to configure Scaleway Dedibox RPNv1 on a Dedibox

Reviewed on 03 March 2025Published on 17 October 2022

The private RPNv1 network is connected to the second physical interface of your Dedibox. It is connected to a totally secure network, different from the one you use to connect to the internet.

Before you startLink to this anchor

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Dedibox account logged into the console
  • A Dedibox dedicated server with RPNv1 connectivity

How to create a new RPNv1 group from the Scaleway consoleLink to this anchor

  1. Click RPN > RPN groups in the navigation bar on top of your console to enter the RPN groups configuration page.

  2. Click Create group to create a new RPN group. The group creation interface displays.

  3. Enter a name for your RPN group, select the Dedibox servers you want to add to the group, and save.


    It takes about five to ten minutes to activate a new RPNv1 group. Once the group is enabled, its status changes to active.

How to update or modify an RPNv1 groupLink to this anchor

  1. Click RPN > RPN groups in the navigation bar on top of your console to enter the RPN groups configuration page.
  2. Click Edit group below the server listing of the group you want to edit.
  • Tick the boxes next to the servers you want to remove from the group. Then click Remove selected servers from group.
  • Click Add servers to the group to add more servers to the RPN group. A pop-up displays. Tick the boxes next to the servers you want to add. Save by clicking Add to group.

The servers are added/removed from the group and the RPN configuration is being updated.

How to share an RPN group with another Dedibox userLink to this anchor

  1. Click RPN > RPN groups in the navigation bar on top of your console to enter the RPN groups configuration page.
  2. Click the Shared groups tab to display the list of the shared RPN groups.
  3. Click Share existing local group. The group sharing wizard displays.
  4. Select the group to share from the drop-down menu and enter the ID of the server you want to add. Then click Share group to save.

The owner of the server external to your account receives an email to confirm the sharing of the RPN group. You can not reach any external server until the RPN sharing has been confirmed by the server owner.

See also
How to configure jumboframesHow to configure the RPNv2
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