Click Server > Server List in your Dedibox console. The list of your dedicated servers displays.
Click the name of the server you want to access. The server’s status page displays.
Click iDRAC in the menu on the right. A pop-up displays.
Accept the terms for iDRAC access by clicking I Accept.
Enter the authorized IPv4 address for the iDRAC connection. The IP address of your internet connection is already pre-filled in the form. Then click Create to generate your credentials.
Currently, only IPv4 addresses are accepted.
The connection URL and your credentials display. Click on the link to access the iDRAC interface.
If your server is configured to use Java, you may not be able to access the HTML5 interface. In this case, please contact our support team for assistance.
Open the connection URL of your iDRAC in your web browser, then log in using the credentials displayed during access creation.
Click Configuration in the top menu, then Virtual Console. The virtual console page displays. Click Launch Virtual Console.
Click Console Controls, choose the Ctrl-Alt-Del keyboard macro and click Apply to reboot the server.