While this library is optimized for Python 3.8, it maintains compatibility with newer Python versions, ensuring a broad scope of applicability.
Scaleway Python software development kit (SDK)
The Scaleway Python SDK offers an efficient way for developers to interact with Scaleway’s cloud services programmatically. This powerful tool simplifies the automation of various tasks, including server management, storage operations, and networking setup. It encapsulates these functions into user-friendly Python method invocations by taking care of the complexity of direct API calls and authentication. This makes it easier to integrate Scaleway’s cloud resources into applications or manage these resources directly from code.
Installation of the Python SDKLink to this anchor
The SDK caters to different programming needs by offering both synchronous and asynchronous versions. You can easily install the version that suits your project’s requirements:
Synchronous version:
pip install scaleway -
Asynchronous version:
pip install scaleway-async
InitializationLink to this anchor
You need a pair of access and secret keys to connect to Scaleway API. Check out the documentation to find out how to retrieve them.
APIs must be initialized with scaleway.Client
A minimal setup would look like this:
from scaleway import Clientfrom scaleway.registry.v1 import RegistryV1APIclient = Client(access_key="SCWXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",secret_key="xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",default_project_id="xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",default_region="fr-par",default_zone="fr-par-1",)registry_api = RegistryV1API(client)
ExampleLink to this anchor
To create a Kubernetes cluster on Scaleway using the Python SDK, you would typically interact with the scaleway
SDK package. The specific details can change, so you should always refer to the latest documentation.
Below is an example of how you can use the Scaleway Python SDK to create a Kubernetes (Kapsule) cluster with 3 nodes:
import timefrom scaleway import Clientfrom scaleway.k8s.v1.api import K8SV1APIfrom scaleway.vpc.v2.api import VpcV2APIACCESS_KEY = "<SCW_ACCESS_KEY>""SECRET_KEY = "<SCW_SECRET_KEY>"PROJECT_ID = "<SCW_PROJECT_ID>"REGION = "fr-par"ZONE = "fr-par-1"CLUSTER_NAME = "my-k8s-cluster"NODE_TYPE = "PLAY2-NANO"NUMBER_OF_NODES = 3KUBERNETES_VERSION = "1.28.2"MAX_SIZE = 5# Initialize the Scaleway client with credentials and configurationclient = Client(access_key=ACCESS_KEY,secret_key=SECRET_KEY,default_project_id=PROJECT_ID,default_region=REGION,default_zone=ZONE)# Initialize APIsk8s_api = K8SV1API(client)vpc_api = VpcV2API(client)# Create a new Private Network for the Kubernetes clustertry:pn = vpc_api.create_private_network(region=REGION,project_id=PROJECT_ID,tags=["kube-cluster-pn"])pn_id = pn.idprint(f"Private Network created with ID: {pn_id}")except Exception as e:raise Exception(f"Failed to create Private Network: {e}")time.sleep(5)# Note the time.sleep(5) command adds a five second delay for the network and later the cluster to be ready.# For demonstrations or simple scripts where efficiency and responsiveness are not as critical, time.sleep() might be sufficient, but for production-quality code, it's essential to use more robust and responsive techniques.# Create a new Kubernetes clustertry:cluster = k8s_api.create_cluster(type_="kapsule",name=CLUSTER_NAME,version=KUBERNETES_VERSION,region=REGION,description=CLUSTER_NAME,cni="cilium",tags=["my-kube-cluster"],private_network_id=pn_id)cluster_id = cluster.idexcept Exception as e:raise Exception(f"Failed to create Kubernetes cluster: {e}")time.sleep(5)# Create the node pool for the Kubernetes clustertry:node_pool = k8s_api.create_pool(cluster_id=cluster_id,name=f"{CLUSTER_NAME}-pool",node_type=NODE_TYPE,size=NUMBER_OF_NODES,min_size=1,max_size=MAX_SIZE,autoscaling=True,tags=["my-node-pool"],region=REGION,container_runtime='containerd',autohealing=True,root_volume_size=20000000000,root_volume_type='b_ssd')node_pool_id = node_pool.idexcept Exception as e:raise Exception(f"Failed to create node pool: {e}")print(f"Cluster created with ID: {cluster_id}")print(f"Node pool created with ID: {node_pool_id}")
Further resourcesLink to this anchor
For further information about the Scaleway Python SDK, refer to the official SDK repository on GitHub.