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I am experiencing problems with my Edge Services CNAME record

Reviewed on 14 March 2025Published on 14 March 2025

When setting up your customized subdomain with Edge Services, you have the option to carry out a verification check on the CNAME record (if your domain is managed with an external provider). Edge Services will query the subdomain and check that it resolves correctly to the Edge Services endpoint. If there is a problem, you will see an error message:

An error message may also display at a later point from your Edge Services dashboard if a problem is detected at any point with your CNAME record or subdomain:

The table below helps you resolve these errors:

Error messageSolution
No CNAME record foundMake sure you have created a valid DNS record of type CNAME (not A, AAAA or another type), where your subdomain points to the Edge Services endpoint.
Incorrect CNAMEMake sure your CNAME record points to the Edge Services endpoint in the format, and that you have replaced pipeline-id with the ID of your bucket or Load Balancer’s Edge Services pipeline.
Domain does not existYou must own the domain name you are attempting to configure. If you do not already own the domain name, you cannot create a subdomain or CNAME record for it. Register the domain name, for example using our Domains and DNS product, then create a CNAME record for the subdomain. Otherwise, ensure you did not make a typo when entering the domain name into the Scaleway console. is forbiddenYou cannot use subdomains of the domain, as the domain is owned and managed by Scaleway and you cannot create DNS records for it. Use your own domain and subdomain.
Invalid Top Level DomainMake sure the Top-Level Domain (e.g. .com, .fr) you entered is correct.
Root domain not allowedYou cannot use a root domain alone to customize Edge Services (e.g. Make sure you use a subdomain (e.g.
Subdomain must be a correctly-formatted, fully-qualified subdomain nameMake sure the subdomain name you entered is correctly formatted, e.g.
Record already exists for this FQDN in your DNS zoneChoose a different subdomain, or delete the existing DNS record.

Note that if your domain is managed by Scaleway Domains and DNS and you therefore have an auto-created CNAME record, you should not attempt to delete it or modify it in any way. Scaleway will take care of deleting the CNAME record if and when you deactivate Edge Services.

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