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Creating and managing an Instance with CLI (v2)

Reviewed on 03 March 2025Published on 05 August 2021

Scaleway Instances provide you with resources to develop, test code and deploy your applications in no time. Instances are designed for modern workflows. They are with you from prototyping to large-scale deployment. You can create and manage your Instances from the console, via the API or the Scaleway Command Line Interface.

Scaleway Command Line Interface (CLI) overviewLink to this anchor

The Scaleway Command Line Interface (CLI) allows you to pilot your Scaleway infrastructure directly from your terminal, providing a faster way to administer and monitor your resources. Scaleway CLI is easy to set up and use, and an essential tool for operating efficiently in your cloud environment. The CLI provides many functionalities, including the ability to create and manage Instances.

Before you startLink to this anchor

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
  • An SSH key
  • A valid API key
  • Downloaded and installed the Scaleway CLI v2

Configuring the CLILink to this anchor

  1. Open a terminal and type the following command to configure the Scaleway CLI on your machine:

    scw init

    If you have already configured the CLI, you will see a message similar to the following:

    Current config is located at /path/to/config.yaml
    access_key: <YOUR ACCESS KEY>
    secret_key: <YOUR SECRET KEY>
    default_organization_id: <YOUR ORGANIZATION ID>
    default_project_id: <YOUR PROJECT ID>
    default_region: <YOUR DEFAULT REGION, eg fr-par>
    default_zone: <YOUR DEFAULT ZONE, eg fr-par-1>
    Do you want to override the current config? (Y/n):
  2. Unless you want to change your configuration, you can type n and go directly to the Creating an Instance step of this tutorial.

    If you have not yet configured the CLI, you will be guided through the configuration process via a series of questions:

    Enter a valid secret-key or an email
  3. Enter either the email address for your account (you will then be asked for your password), or your API secret key:

    To improve this tool we rely on diagnostic and usage data.
    Sending such data is optional and can be disabled at any time by running "scw config set send-telemetry=false".
    Do you want to send usage statistics and diagnostics? (Y/n):

    Type y or n and hit enter.

    To fully enjoy Scaleway CLI we recommend you install autocomplete support in your shell.
    Do you want to install autocomplete? (Y/n):

    Type y or n and hit enter.

    To enable autocomplete, scw needs to update your shell configuration.
    What type of shell are you using (default: zsh):
  4. Hit enter if the default shell type is already correct for you. Otherwise, enter your shell type and hit enter.

    To enable autocomplete we need to append to /Users/yourusername/.zshrc the following lines:
    # Scaleway CLI autocomplete initialization.
    eval "$(scw autocomplete script shell=zsh)"
    Do you want to proceed with these changes? (Y/n):

    Type y or n and hit enter. This should complete the configuration process:

    Initialization completed with success.

Creating an InstanceLink to this anchor

  1. Type the following command in your terminal to obtain a local-image UUID:

    scw marketplace image get label=ubuntu_focal

    A list of local-images UUIDs from marketplace images displays:

    Label ubuntu_focal
    Name Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa
    ModificationDate 3 months ago
    CreationDate 2 years ago
    Description Ubuntu is the ideal distribution for scale-out computing, Ubuntu Server helps you make the most of your infrastructure.
    Local Images:
    401a8e7b-f215-49b5-af8d-e39d9efff24c fr-par-2 x86_64
    42e3c57b-f907-4685-8a6a-f016445d867a pl-waw-1 x86_64
    9a40a4cd-87bb-410a-86a2-39af87d12667 fr-par-2 x86_64
    91edfd06-3eb7-44ad-a903-be54363135a7 pl-waw-1 x86_64
    70c3e86b-918d-42bd-af7d-e6be485d3f8b fr-par-1 x86_64
    223b6d78-1aa4-4234-b8ce-e5d39e762ef3 nl-ams-1 x86_64
    87b79530-0bf4-46da-beeb-f6dc950ab225 fr-par-3 x86_64
    dcd8d994-b859-4e9e-aa91-2ceca41663fb nl-ams-1 x86_64
    ff48b73a-097d-4685-b996-d3ebe50636ea fr-par-1 x86_64
  2. Run the following command to create an Instance:

    scw instance server create zone=xx-xxx-x image=ubuntu_focal


    Replace xx-xxx-x with the Availability Zone you want to create your Instance in. If you want your Availability Zone to be France, Paris 1, for example, use fr-par-1. Refer to our documentation for more information about Availability Zones.

    You will see an output like the following:

    ID 12345678-1234-1234-4321-123456789123
    Name cli-srv-naughty-stonebraker
    Organization 12345678-1234-1234-4321-123456789123
    Project 12345678-1234-1234-4321-123456789123
    AllowedActions.0 poweron
    AllowedActions.1 backup
    CommercialType DEV1-S
    CreationDate now
    DynamicIPRequired false
    EnableIPv6 false
    Hostname cli-srv-naughty-stonebraker
    Image.ID 12345678-1234-1234-4321-123456789123
    Image.Name Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa
    Image.Arch x86_64
    Image.CreationDate 4 months ago
    Image.ModificationDate 4 months ago
    Image.ExtraVolumes 0
    Image.FromServer -
    Image.Organization 12345678-1234-1234-4321-123456789123
    Image.Public true
    Image.RootVolume 12345678-1234-1234-4321-123456789123
    Image.State available
    Image.Project 12345678-1234-1234-4321-123456789123
    Image.Zone fr-par-2
    Protected false
    PublicIP.ID 12345678-1234-1234-4321-123456789123
    PublicIP.Dynamic false
    ModificationDate now
    State archived
    Bootscript x86_64 mainline 4.4.230 rev1
    BootType local
    Volumes 1
    SecurityGroup.ID 12345678-1234-1234-4321-123456789123
    SecurityGroup.Name Default security group
    StateDetail -
    Arch x86_64
    Zone fr-par-2

Creating an Instance local volumeLink to this anchor

  1. Run the following command to create an Instance volume with a size of 50 GB:

    scw instance volume create size=50GB name=my-volume

    You will see an output like the following:

    ID 12345678-1234-1234-4321-123456789123
    Name my-volume
    ExportURI -
    Size 50 GB
    VolumeType l_ssd
    CreationDate now
    ModificationDate now
    Organization 12345678-1234-1234-4321-123456789123
    Project 12345678-1234-1234-4321-123456789123
    State available
    Zone fr-par-1
  2. Write down the ID of your Instance. You will need it in the next steps.

Creating and attaching a block volume to an InstanceLink to this anchor

  1. Run the following command to create a block volume:

    scw instance volume create size=10GB volume-type=b_ssd

    Your block volume has been created:

    ID 12345678-1234-1234-4321-123456789123
    Name cli-vol-albattani
    ExportURI -
    Size 10 GB
    VolumeType b_ssd
    CreationDate 1 second from now
    ModificationDate 1 second from now
    Organization 12345678-1234-1234-4321-123456789123
    Project 12345678-1234-1234-4321-123456789123
    State available
  2. Write down your block volume’s ID. You will need it in the next steps.

  3. Type the following command in your terminal to attach your block volume to your Instance. Make sure you replace n4m3-0f-y0Ur-s3rv3r-id by your server ID and n4m3-0f-y0Ur-volume-id by your volume ID.

    scw instance server attach-volume server-id=n4m3-0f-y0Ur-s3rv3r-id volume-id=n4m3-0f-y0Ur-volume-id

    You will see an output similar to the following:

    Server.ID 12345678-1234-1234-4321-123456789123
    Server.Name scw-sleepy-mestorf
    Server.Organization 12345678-1234-1234-4321-123456789123
    Server.Project 12345678-1234-1234-4321-123456789123
    Server.CommercialType GP1-S
    Server.CreationDate 4 days ago
    Server.DynamicIPRequired false
    Server.EnableIPv6 true
    Server.Hostname scw-sleepy-mestorf
    Server.Image.ID 12345678-1234-1234-4321-123456789123
    Server.Image.Name Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa
    Server.Image.Arch x86_64
    Server.Image.CreationDate 4 months ago
    Server.Image.ModificationDate 4 months ago
    Server.Image.ExtraVolumes 0
    Server.Image.FromServer -
    Server.Image.Organization 12345678-1234-1234-4321-123456789123
    Server.Image.Public true
    Server.Image.RootVolume 12345678-1234-1234-4321-123456789123
    Server.Image.State available
    Server.Image.Project 12345678-1234-1234-4321-123456789123
    Server.Image.Zone fr-par-1
    Server.Protected false
    Server.PublicIP.ID 12345678-1234-1234-4321-123456789123
    Server.PublicIP.Address 12.345.678.123
    Server.PublicIP.Dynamic false
    Server.ModificationDate 4 days ago
    Server.State running
    Server.Location fr-par-1
    Server.IPv6.Address 2001:bc8:610:6300::1
    Server.IPv6.Gateway 2001:bc8:610:6300::
    Server.IPv6.Netmask 64
    Server.Bootscript x86_64 mainline 4.4.230 rev1
    Server.BootType local
    Server.Volumes 2
    Server.SecurityGroup.ID 12345678-1234-1234-4321-123456789123
    Server.SecurityGroup.Name Default security group
    Server.StateDetail booted
    Server.Arch x86_64
    Server.Zone fr-par-1

Powering off an InstanceLink to this anchor

Type the following command in your terminal and replace “your-server” with the ID of your server.

scw instance server stop your-server

You will see the following output:

Poweroff successful for the server.

Your Instance has been powered off.

Deleting an InstanceLink to this anchor


This action will delete all your volumes and data located on your storage server. To avoid losing data, it is recommended to perform regular snapshots.

Ensure your Instance is powered off and then run the following command, replacing “your-server” with the ID of your server.

scw instance server delete your-server

You will see the following output:

successfully deleted volume ubuntu_20.04_focal_fossa:volume-0 (20 GB l_ssd)
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