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How to create an image from a snapshot

Reviewed on 15 November 2024Published on 05 August 2021

Before you startLink to this anchor

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
  • An Instance
  • At least one snapshot

Creating an image from a snapshot via the Scaleway consoleLink to this anchor

  1. Click Instances in the Compute section of the side menu. The Instances page displays.
  2. Click the Images tab. A list of your images displays.
  3. Hover over the «Plus Icon» button to Create image. The overview page displays.
  4. Choose the Availability Zone in which you want your image to be created.
  5. Enter a name for your image.

    Your image’s name can only contain alphanumeric characters and dashes.

  6. Select the snapshot from which you want to create your image in the drop-down box.
  7. Click Create image to create your image.

You can also create an image from the Snapshots dashboard by clicking «See more Icon» next to the snapshot from which you want to create an image. Click Image from snapshot. A new tab opens: enter a name for your image. Then click Create image from snapshot.

Creating an image via the Scaleway CLILink to this anchor

You can also create an image using the Scaleway CLI. Use the following command:

scw instance image create snapshot-id="$SCW_VOLUME_ID_1""$SCW_VOLUME_ID_2" arch="x86_64"
  • Replace $SCW_VOLUME_ID_1 with the ID of the snapshot or volume you want to use as the root volume.
  • Replace $SCW_VOLUME_ID_2 with the ID of any additional volume to be included.
  • Ensure the architecture (arch) is set to a valid value (e.g., x86_64).

Supported volume IDs include:

  • Local Storage volumes (l_ssd)
  • Block Storage Low Latency volumes (sbs)
  • Block Storage legacy (b_ssd) volumes (deprecated).

Creating an image via the Scaleway APILink to this anchor

You can also create an image using the Scaleway API. Use the following curl command:

curl --location "$SCW_AVAILABILITY_ZONE/images" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "X-Auth-Token: $SCW_SECRET_KEY" \
--data '{
"root_volume": "'$SCW_VOLUME_ID_1'",
"arch": "x86_64",
"name": "image_name",
"extra_volumes": {
"1": {"id":"'$SCW_VOLUME_ID_2'"}
"project": "'$SCW_PROJECT_ID'"
  • Replace $SCW_VOLUME_ID_1 with the ID of the snapshot or volume to use as the root volume.
  • Replace $SCW_VOLUME_ID_2 with the ID of any additional volume.
  • Use $SCW_PROJECT_ID for the ID of your project.
  • Ensure the architecture (arch) is set to a valid value (e.g., x86_64).

Supported volume IDs include:

  • Local Storage volumes (l_ssd)
  • Block Storage Low Latency volumes (sbs)
  • Block Storage legacy (b_ssd) volumes (deprecated).
See also
How to use placement groupsHow to migrate volumes and snapshots to Scaleway SBS
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