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How to manage Instance storage

Reviewed on 24 March 2025Published on 24 March 2025

Before you startLink to this anchor

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization

Storage resources overviewLink to this anchor

You can manage the storage resources attached to your Instances directly from the Scaleway console. These include:

  • Volumes: Storage spaces used by your Instances. Multiple volumes can be attached to an Instance.
  • Snapshots: Backups capturing the state of a volume at a specific time, including OS, configuration, and stored files.
  • Images: Full backups of Instances, useful for restoring data or deploying multiple Instances with a predefined configuration.

Managing volumesLink to this anchor

Volumes are the primary storage solution for your Instances. Scaleway Instances support either Local Storage or Block Storage, depending on the Instance type.


If a volume is missing, check the Block Storage or Local Storage sections in the Scaleway console.

Viewing and managing volumesLink to this anchor

  1. Click Instances in the left menu.
  2. Select the Instance you want to manage.
  3. Go to the Storage tab.
  4. Scroll to the Volumes section to view attached volumes.
  5. Click «See more Icon» next to a volume for options:
    • View volume details
    • Increase volume size
    • Detach volume
    • Create a snapshot
    • Delete volume

Adding a volumeLink to this anchor

  1. Navigate to Instances in the left menu.
  2. Select the Instance you want to configure.
  3. Open the Storage tab.
  4. Click + Create volume in the Volumes section.
  5. Enter a volume name and choose its size (GB).
  6. Select a storage type:
    • Block Storage: A network-based block device with 5,000 or 15,000 IOPS.
    • Local Storage: Storage located on the physical hypervisor, tied to compute resources.
  7. Click Add volume to attach it to the Instance.

Managing snapshotsLink to this anchor

Snapshots preserve the state of a volume at a specific time, allowing for data recovery.

Viewing and managing snapshotsLink to this anchor

  1. Click Instances in the left menu.
  2. Select the Instance you want to configure.
  3. Go to the Storage tab.
  4. Scroll to the Snapshots section.
  5. Click «See more Icon» for snapshot options:
    • View details
    • Create an image from snapshot
    • Create a volume from snapshot
    • Copy to an Object Storage bucket
    • Delete snapshot

Creating a snapshotLink to this anchor

  1. Click Instances in the left menu.
  2. Select the Instance you want to configure.
  3. Open the Storage tab.
  4. Click + Create snapshot in the Snapshots section.
  5. Choose a volume from the dropdown.
  6. Enter a snapshot name.
  7. Click Create snapshot to proceed.

Managing imagesLink to this anchor

Images are full backups of Instances, useful for restoring data or deploying multiple Instances.

Viewing and managing imagesLink to this anchor

  1. Click Instances in the left menu.
  2. Select the Instance you want to configure.
  3. Open the Storage tab.
  4. Scroll to the Images section.
  5. Click «See more Icon» for options:
    • View details
    • Create an Instance from the image
    • Delete the image

Creating an imageLink to this anchor

  1. Click Instances in the left menu.
  2. Select the Instance you want to configure.
  3. Open the Storage tab.
  4. Click + Create image in the Images section.
  5. Enter a name for the image.
  6. Click Create image to proceed.
See also
How to create an InstanceHow to connect to an Instance
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