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Scaleway Instances internet and Block Storage bandwidth overview

Reviewed on 07 January 2025Published on 19 November 2024

This guide provides a complete overview of internet and Block Storage bandwidth for Scaleway Instances. Understanding these specifications is crucial for optimizing your infrastructure for performance and compatibility.

Why bandwidth mattersLink to this anchor

Bandwidth impacts how your applications perform and interact with other systems.

  • Internet bandwidth: Affects how fast your Instance can send or receive data over the internet.
  • Block bandwidth: Determines the read/write speed to Block Storage, essential for storage-heavy workloads like databases and analytics.

Bandwidth specifications listed here are for informational purposes. To validate the exact bandwidth capacity of your Instance type, refer to the block_bandwidth field in the Instances API. Use the endpoint /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/products/servers to retrieve Instance type specifications.


To maximize compatibility with Block Storage Low Latency 15k, select an Instance with at least 3 GiB/s of Block bandwidth.

COPARM1 rangeLink to this anchor

Instance TypeInternet BandwidthBlock Bandwidth
COPARM1-2C-8G200 Mbit/s80 MiB/s
COPARM1-4C-16G400 Mbit/s160 MiB/s
COPARM1-8C-32G800 Mbit/s320 MiB/s
COPARM1-16C-64G1.6 Gbit/s640 MiB/s
COPARM1-32C-128G3.2 Gbit/s1.25 GiB/s

DEV1 rangeLink to this anchor

Instance TypeInternet BandwidthBlock Bandwidth
DEV1-S200 Mbit/s100 MiB/s
DEV1-M300 Mbit/s150 MiB/s
DEV1-L400 Mbit/s200 MiB/s
DEV1-XL500 Mbit/s250 MiB/s

ENT1 rangeLink to this anchor

Instance TypeInternet BandwidthBlock Bandwidth
ENT1-XXS400 Mbit/s400 MiB/s
ENT1-XS800 Mbit/s800 MiB/s
ENT1-S1.6 Gbit/s1.56 GiB/s
ENT1-M3.2 Gbit/s3.12 GiB/s
ENT1-L6.4 Gbit/s6.25 GiB/s
ENT1-XL12.8 Gbit/s12.5 GiB/s

GP1 rangeLink to this anchor

Instance TypeInternet BandwidthBlock Bandwidth
GP1-XS500 Mbit/s300 MiB/s
GP1-S800 Mbit/s500 MiB/s
GP1-M1.5 Gbit/s800 MiB/s
GP1-L5 Gbit/s1 GiB/s
GP1-XL10 Gbit/s2 GiB/s

PLAY2 rangeLink to this anchor

Instance TypeInternet BandwidthBlock Bandwidth
PLAY2-PICO100 Mbit/s40 MiB/s
PLAY2-NANO200 Mbit/s80 MiB/s
PLAY2-MICRO400 Mbit/s160 MiB/s

PRO2 rangeLink to this anchor

Instance TypeInternet BandwidthBlock Bandwidth
PRO2-XXS350 Mbit/s125 MiB/s
PRO2-XS700 Mbit/s250 MiB/s
PRO2-S1.5 Gbit/s500 MiB/s
PRO2-M3 Gbit/s1 GiB/s
PRO2-L6 Gbit/s2 GiB/s

POP2 rangeLink to this anchor

Instance TypeInternet BandwidthBlock Bandwidth
POP2-2C-8G400 Mbit/s400 MiB/s
POP2-4C-16G800 Mbit/s800 MiB/s
POP2-8C-32G1.6 Gbit/s1.56 GiB/s
POP2-16C-64G3.2 Gbit/s3.12 GiB/s
POP2-32C-128G6.4 Gbit/s6.25 GiB/s
POP2-64C-256G12.8 Gbit/s12.5 GiB/s

POP2-WIN range (Windows Server OS)Link to this anchor

Instance TypeInternet BandwidthBlock Bandwidth
POP2-2C-8G-WIN400 Mbit/s400 MiB/s
POP2-4C-16G-WIN800 Mbit/s800 MiB/s
POP2-8C-32G-WIN1.6 Gbit/s1.56 GiB/s
POP2-16C-64G-WIN3.2 Gbit/s3.12 GiB/s
POP2-32C-128G-WIN6.4 Gbit/s6.25 GiB/s

POP2-HC range (High Compute)Link to this anchor

Instance TypeInternet BandwidthBlock Bandwidth
POP2-HC-2C-4G400 Mbit/s400 MiB/s
POP2-HC-4C-8G800 Mbit/s800 MiB/s
POP2-HC-8C-16G1.6 Gbit/s1.56 GiB/s
POP2-HC-16C-32G3.2 Gbit/s3.12 GiB/s
POP2-HC-32C-64G6.4 Gbit/s6.25 GiB/s
POP2-HC-64C-128G12.8 Gbit/s12.5 GiB/s

POP2-HM range (High Memory)Link to this anchor

Instance TypeInternet BandwidthBlock Bandwidth
POP2-HM-2C-16G400 Mbit/s400 MiB/s
POP2-HM-4C-32G800 Mbit/s800 MiB/s
POP2-HM-8C-64G1.6 Gbit/s1.56 GiB/s
POP2-HM-16C-128G3.2 Gbit/s3.12 GiB/s
POP2-HM-32C-256G6.4 Gbit/s6.25 GiB/s
POP2-HM-64C-512G12.8 Gbit/s12.5 GiB/s

POP2-HN range (High Network)Link to this anchor

Instance TypeInternet BandwidthBlock Bandwidth
POP2-HN-33 Gbit/s400 MiB/s
POP2-HN-55 Gbit/s800 MiB/s
POP2-HN-1010 Gbit/s800 MiB/s
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