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Using Scaleway Load Balancer annotations

Reviewed on 29 September 2024Published on 12 August 2021

OverviewLink to this anchor

In Kubernetes, annotations are a way to attach metadata to objects, like pods, services, and more. These annotations are key-value pairs that can be useful for tools and libraries interacting with these objects. These annotations are used to influence the behavior, settings, or configurations of the provisioned load balancer resource.

When you create a Load Balancer for your Kubernetes cluster, it will be created with a default configuration, unless you define its configuration parameters via annotations. Load Balancer annotations let you configure parameters such as the balancing method health check settings and more.

See the full list of available Load Balancer annotations here as part of the Scaleway Cloud Controller Manager documentation. For help understanding any of these parameters, refer to the following documentation:

  • Load Balancer Concepts
  • Configuring backends
  • Configuring frontends
  • Configuring health checks

You should always use annotations as described below to configure your cluster’s Load Balancer. Any modifications made to the configuration of your Kubernetes cluster’s Load Balancer via the Scaleway console, the API, or any other developer tools, will be overwritten by the cluster’s CCM.

The following documentation shows you how to use annotations to fine tune your Load Balancer’s configuration.

Adding annotations when creating your Load BalancerLink to this anchor

Add annotations to the metadata section of your LoadBalancer Service’s yaml manifest as shown below. In this example we include two annotations, but you can include as many as you need.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: myloadbalancer
annotations: "leastconn" "10s"
type: LoadBalancer
- port: 8000
name: http
targetPort: 8000
app: mydeployment

You can then create your Load Balancer with the kubectl create -f <name-of-manifest-file>.yaml command.

When you examine your Load Balancer’s backend configuration and health check information in the Scaleway console, you will see that the balancing method (aka forward port algorithm) and health check interval (aka health check delay) of its backend reflect the values set in the annotations.

Modifying your Load Balancer’s configuration via annotations after creationLink to this anchor

To modify your Load Balancer’s configuration with annotations after creation, you can use the kubectl patch command. This updates the Load Balancer according to the arguments given.

In this example, we create the following file to hold our patch, and call it annotations-patch.yaml:

annotations: "first" "30s"

You can then make the CCM execute this patch with the following command:

kubectl patch svc myloadbalancer --type merge --patch-file annotations-patch.yaml

When you examine your Load Balancer’s backend configuration and health check information in the Scaleway console, you will see that the balancing method (aka forward port algorithm) and health check timeout of its backend reflect the values set in the patched annotations.

For a complete list of all annotations available to use with Scaleway Load Balancers, refer directly to the Scaleway Cloud Controller Manager documentation on GitHub.

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