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Local Storage - Quickstart

Reviewed on 24 March 2025Published on 24 March 2025

Scaleway Local Storage is a storage solution integrated directly into some of Scaleway’s cloud Instances. The storage capacity varies by Instance type, with a maximum of 600 GB. Local Storage is tied to the lifespan of the Instance; data stored locally will be lost if the Instance is terminated. For persistent storage needs, Scaleway offers Block Storage, which provides scalable, network-attached storage that remains intact independently of the Instance’s state.

Before you startLink to this anchor

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization

How to create a Local Storage volumeLink to this anchor

  1. Click Local Storage in the Storage section of the Scaleway console side menu. The Local Storage page displays.
  2. Click + Create volume.
  3. Follow the steps in the creation wizard:
    • Choose an Availability Zone.
    • Configure the volume:
      • Enter a name for your volume or leave the automatically generated name.
      • Define a volume size.

      The volume size must be at least 1 GB.

    • Select an Instance from the drop-down to attach your volume. This step is optional.
    • Check the estimated cost.
  4. Click Create volume. The volumes overview page displays.

    The volume must be in the same Availability Zone as the Instance you want to connect it to.

How to attach a Local Storage volumeLink to this anchor

  1. Click Local Storage in the Storage section of the Scaleway console side menu. Your Local Storage volumes display.
  2. Click Attach to Instance next to the volume of your choice. A pop-up displays.
  3. Select the Instance to which you want to attach your volume from the drop-down.
  4. Click Attach volume to Instance.
  • You can attach up to 15 volumes at a time to a single Instance.
  • Local Storage resources are limited and bound to the characteristics of your Instance (vCPU/RAM). Alternatively, you can use Block Storage to increase the storage capacity of your Instance.

How to delete a Local Storage volumeLink to this anchor

  1. Click Local Storage in the Storage section of the Scaleway console side menu. A list of your volumes displays.
  2. Click the Snapshots tab.
  3. Click «See more Icon» > Delete next to the snapshot of your choice. A pop-up displays.
  4. Type DELETE to confirm.
  5. Click Delete this snapshot.

    This action permanently deletes your snapshot and all the data it contains. If you do not want to lose this data, make a backup before deleting the snapshot.

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