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Setting up and using the pg_cron extension

Reviewed on 18 February 2025Published on 18 February 2025

The pg_cron extension for PostgreSQL is used to execute periodic tasks. You can schedule SQL tasks, such as queries and data imports, using jobs that run at the intervals you set. On a daily, weekly or monthly basis, for example.

The pg_cron extension is available with Scaleway Managed Databases for PostgreSQL. The extension is natively loaded in the shared_preload_libraries of the Database Instances by default.

Before you startLink to this anchor

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
  • A Database Instance running a PostgreSQL engine

Installing pg_cronLink to this anchor


The pg_cron extension can only be installed in the rdb database, which is created by default upon Database Instance creation. To run jobs in another database, you can use the schedule_in_database function.

Run the following command to install the extension:

rdb=> CREATE EXTENSION pg_cron;

Configuring pg_cronLink to this anchor

To fully use the extension, you must grant read/write rights to the user who will be running the pg_cron functions to manage jobs on the database.


Refer to the How to add users to a PostgreSQL or MySQL Database Instance documentation for more information.

Scheduling jobsLink to this anchor

Jobs allow you to define the SQL command or task you want to run based on a cron schedule.

To schedule jobs, you can run the following command in the SQL client:

SELECT cron.schedule(

Replace the variables with the corresponding information:

  • ${JOB_NAME} - set a name for the job
  • ${SCHEDULE_SPEC} - the schedule specification in cron format
  • ${SQL_COMMAND} - the SQL command to be executed. Depending on the command, you might need to specify other parameters.

ExamplesLink to this anchor

Deleting old data

You can run the command below to delete old data from the events table every Saturday at 3:30am:

SELECT cron.schedule('30 3 * * 6', $$DELETE FROM events WHERE event_time < now() - interval '1 week'$$);

Scheduling a VACUUM job

You can run the command below to execute the VACUUM task every day at 10:00am.

SELECT cron.schedule('nightly-vacuum', '0 10 * * *', 'VACUUM');

Listing jobsLink to this anchor

To list all scheduled jobs, you can run the following command:

SELECT * FROM cron.job;

Each job is represented by a record. You can see the following information in the response:

  • jobid - a unique job ID
  • schedule - the schedule specification in cron format
  • command - the SQL command
  • database, username, nodename, nodeport - connection details
  • active - whether the job is active or not
  • jobname - the name of the job
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------------------------------------------------------
jobid | 1
schedule | 30 3 * * 6
command | DELETE FROM events WHERE event_time < now() - interval '1 week'
nodename | /var/run/postgresql
nodeport | 5432
database | rdb
username | myuser
active | t
jobname |
-[ RECORD 2 ]-------------------------------------------------------------
jobid | 2
schedule | 0 10 * * *
command | VACUUM
nodename | /var/run/postgresql
nodeport | 5432
database | rdb
username | myuser
active | t
jobname | nightly-vacuum

Unscheduling jobsLink to this anchor

To unschedule a job, you can run the following command:

SELECT cron.unschedule('${JOB_ID}');

Replace ${JOB_ID} with the ID of the job you want to unschedule.

ExamplesLink to this anchor

To unschedule the jobs set in the previous section, you can run:

SELECT cron.unschedule(1);


SELECT cron.unschedule('nightly-vacuum');

Scheduling jobs in other databasesLink to this anchor

To schedule a job in another database, you can use the schedule_in_database function.

In the example below we create a job to insert values into another table.

SELECT cron.schedule_in_database('job-in-another-db', '0 12 * * *', 'INSERT INTO public.another_db_table values (now())', 'mydb');

The cron.schedule_in_database function runs jobs as the user who created them. Therefore, you need to connect as said user to execute the job. This function does not allow specifying a different user, as it would require superuser privileges.

Editing jobsLink to this anchor

To edit a job, you can use the alter_job function.

In the example below we alter an existing job to run in a different database. You must specify the job_id and database.

SELECT cron.alter_job(job_id:=3,database:='anotherdb');

Cron specificationsLink to this anchor

Schedules in pg_cron use the standard Cron syntax:

┌───────────── min (0 - 59)
│ ┌────────────── hour (0 - 23)
│ │ ┌─────────────── day of month (1 - 31) or last day of the month ($)
│ │ │ ┌──────────────── month (1 - 12)
│ │ │ │ ┌───────────────── day of week (0 - 6) (0 to 6 are Sunday to
│ │ │ │ │ Saturday, or use names; 7 is also Sunday)
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │
* * * * *

Refer to the Cron schedules reference for a detailed description of the cron format and examples.

How to configure your schedule timezoneLink to this anchor

The time zone of the pg_cron extension can be changed in the advanced settings of the Database Instance. By default, the time zone is set to GMT.


The cron.timezone setting is only available with PostgreSQL 16.

  1. Go to the Advanced settings of your Database Instance in the Scaleway console.
  2. Click «Edit Icon».
  3. Click + Add parameters.
  4. Select cron.timezone in the drop-down.
  5. Enter the time zone of your choice.

    Refer to the official PostgreSQL documentation for more information about timezone conventions.

  6. Click «Validate Icon» to validate.

    The configuration takes a few seconds to be applied. During this time the Database Instance connection remains uninterrupted. However, you must wait until the new configuration is applied to edit your advanced settings again.

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