Certain types of maintenance cannot be applied manually, such as hot security patches. In these cases, you will receive an email informing you of the details of the scheduled maintenance, such as the date, time, and on which Database Instance it will be applied. You can also check this information on the Database Instance information page of the Scaleway console.
How to apply scheduled maintenance to a Database Instance
From time to time your Scaleway Managed Databases have to undergo maintenance to ensure that your nodes are up-to-date and have all the tools necessary to maintain a healthy lifecycle. For example, your engine version might need to be upgraded to the latest available minor version, or certain patches might need to be implemented.
These maintenance operations are set up, run, and scheduled by Scaleway, but you can select when to apply them to avoid interruptions during peak times.
Before you startLink to this anchor
To complete the actions presented below, you must have:
- A Scaleway account logged into the console
- Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
- A PostgreSQL or MySQL Database Instance scheduled for maintenance
Click PostgreSQL and MySQL under Managed Databases on the side menu. A list of your Database Instances displays.
Look for an orange info icon to identify which Database Instances are scheduled for maintenance.
Click the Database Instance name or «See more Icon» > More info to access the database information page.
If your Database Instance is scheduled for maintenance, you will see a banner on the top of the page informing you when the scheduled maintenance will take place. You can either wait for the maintenance to be applied automatically at the expected date and time, or you can apply it immediately.
Important -
Click Apply maintenance now to apply the maintenance immediately. You are redirected to a screen that shows you the status of the maintenance. If you want a more detailed maintenance status, you can use the API.
ImportantYour Database Instance will be unavailable during the maintenance. This might take a few minutes.
NoteIf you do not apply the maintenance before the scheduled date, it will be applied automatically on the scheduled date. The scheduled maintenance can take up to 4 hours to be applied starting from the scheduled time.
Once maintenance is complete the status of your Database Instance is reset to