Make sure you save your secret and access keys as you will need them in the following step.
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This page shows you how to generate API keys with IAM to send transactional emails via API and SMTP.
To complete the actions presented below, you must have:
To send your emails via the API, a valid API key and your Project ID are required.
Make sure you save your secret and access keys as you will need them in the following step.
cat > mail.json <<EOF{"from": {"name": "Alice","email": ""},"to": [{"name": "Bob","email": ""}],"subject": "Some subject","text": "Some text.","html": "<p>Some <span style=\"font-weight:bold\">HTML</span>.</p>","project_id": "<project-id>","attachments": [{"name": "file.html","type": "text/html; charset=\"utf8\"","content": "PCFET0NUWVBFIGh0bWw+CjxodG1sIGxhbmc9ImVuIj4KICAgIDxoZWFkPgogICAgICAgIDxtZXRhIGNoYXJzZXQ9InV0Zi04Ij4KICAgICAgICA8dGl0bGU+dGl0bGU8L3RpdGxlPgogICAgPC9oZWFkPgogICAgPGJvZHk+CiAgICAgICAgPHA+SGVsbG8gPHNwYW4gc3R5bGU9ImNvbG9yOmJsdWUiPndvcmxkPC9zcGFuPiE8L3A+CiAgICA8L2JvZHk+CjwvaHRtbD4="}]}EOFcurl -X POST "$REGION/emails" \-H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" \-d @mail.json
with your Project ID, $REGION
with fr-par
and $TOKEN
with your secret key. If you do not replace the Project ID, the API displays a “permission denied” error message.The following output should display:
{"emails":[{"id":"655c27f2-b2a3-4a9f-8e1f-3e6dc268b1c4","message_id":"3d928e21-187a-4539-b303-403156e37911","project_id":"3e44a89e-1f75-45f5-9b93-422db94165eb","mail_from":"","rcpt_to":"","rcpt_type":"to","created_at":"2022-08-01T07:55:36.758671147Z","updated_at":"2022-08-01T07:55:36.758671147Z","status":"new","status_details":"not yet processed","try_count":0,"last_tries":[]}]}%
Scaleway supports the PLAIN
authentication methods.
The Transactional Email SMTP relay is available at
on ports 25
, 587
, 2587
(non TLS), 465
and 2465
(TLS). To send your emails using SMTP, a valid API secret key and your Project ID are required.
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