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How to configure a customized error page

Reviewed on 25 November 2024Published on 21 February 2022

The customized error page feature allows you to redirect users to a static website hosted on Scaleway Object Storage, in the case that none of your Load Balancer’s backends are available to serve the requested content. This website could be a simple, single webpage or else something much more complex: you build it according to your own requirements.

If you do not configure a customized error page, and none of your backend servers are available, your users will instead see a standard HTTP error displayed in their browser, e.g. 503 Service Unavailable.

Benefits of using this feature include:

  • Displaying customized, branded and user-friendly error messages
  • Providing links to support resources or contact information
  • Providing information on service status or maintenance
  • Redirecting to a mirrored site or skeleton site

You can set up a customized error page during creation of your Load Balancer, or at any point after creation.

Before you startLink to this anchor

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
  • Created a bucket which is hosting a bucket website

How to activate a customized error page failover during creation of your Load BalancerLink to this anchor

  1. Follow the instructions for creating a Load Balancer.
  2. Click the +Advanced Settings button while configuring your backend.
  3. Slide the «Toogle Icon» toggle to activate the customized error page feature, and enter a Scaleway Object Storage Bucket Website URL in the box. Note that the URL of the bucket endpoint is not sufficient, the bucket website URL is specifically required (e.g.

    This feature is only available for Load Balancers using the HTTP protocol on their backend.

  4. Click Create frontend and backend to finish.

How to activate or deactivate a customized error page failover after creation of your Load BalancerLink to this anchor

  1. Click Load Balancers in the Network section of the Scaleway console side menu. The list of your Load Balancers displays.
  2. Click the Load Balancer you wish to configure a customized error page for. The Load Balancer’s Overview page displays.
  3. Click the Backends tab. The list of your backends displays.
  4. Click the backend you wish to configure a customized error page for, and click the Edit button.
  5. Click the + Advanced Settings button.
  6. Slide the «Toogle Icon» toggle to activate or deactivate the customized error page feature as required.

    This feature is only available for Load Balancers using the HTTP protocol on their backend.

  7. Enter a Scaleway Object Storage Bucket Website URL in the box, if activating the feature. Note that the URL of the bucket endpoint is not sufficient, the bucket website URL is specifically required (e.g.
  8. Click Edit backend to finish.

How to create a static website for your customized error pageLink to this anchor

Having activated the customized error page feature on your Load Balancer, you must ensure that you have created a static website or webpage to display. See our dedicated documentation to learn how to create a static website with Scaleway Object Storage.

See also
How to set up an Edge Services pipelineHow to create and manage flexible IPs
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