When you use Object Storage directly with the API, you must generate an Authentication Signature v4 beforehand.
In this page we index all available Scaleway Object Storage API requests.
To complete the actions presented below, you must have:
When you use Object Storage directly with the API, you must generate an Authentication Signature v4 beforehand.
Feature | Description | Status |
GetService | Returns a list of all buckets | supported |
Feature | Description | Status |
CreateBucket | Creates bucket | supported |
DeleteBucket | Deletes bucket | supported |
DeleteBucketCors | Deletes the CORS configuration of a bucket | supported |
DeleteBucketLifecycle | Deletes the lifecycle configuration of a bucket | supported |
DeleteBucketPolicy | Deletes the policy of a specified bucket | supported |
DeleteBucketTagging | Deletes the tag(s) of a bucket | supported |
DeleteBucketWebsite | Deletes the bucket website configuration of a specified bucket | supported |
GetBucketAcl | Returns the bucket ACL | supported |
GetBucketCors | Returns the CORS configuration of a bucket | supported |
GetBucketLifecycle | Returns the lifecycle configuration information set on the bucket | deprecated |
GetBucketLifecycleConfiguration | Returns the lifecycle configuration information set on a bucket | supported |
GetBucketLocation | Returns the region where the bucket is | supported |
GetBucketNotification | Returns the notification configuration of a bucket | in development |
GetBucketPolicy | Returns the policy of a specified bucket | supported |
GetBucketPolicyStatus | Retrieves the policy status for a bucket. The status indicates whether a bucket is public or not | supported |
GetBucketTagging | Returns the tag(s) of a bucket | supported |
GetBucketVersioning | Returns the versioning state of a bucket | supported |
GetBucketWebsite | Returns the bucket website basic configuration | supported |
HeadBucket | Checks if the bucket exists | supported |
ListObjects | Lists objects in the bucket | supported |
ListObjectsV2 | Returns some or all (up to 1,000) of the objects in a bucket | supported |
ListObjectVersions | Returns metadata about all the versions of objects in a bucket | supported |
PutBucketAcl | Configures the Access Control List of a bucket | supported |
PutBucketCors | Configures CORS on a bucket | supported |
PutBucketLifecycle | Creates a new lifecycle configuration or replaces an existing bucket lifecycle configuration | deprecated |
PutBucketLifecycleConfiguration | Creates a new lifecycle configuration or replaces an existing bucket lifecycle configuration | supported |
PutBucketNotification | Enables notifications of specified events for a bucket | in development |
PutBucketPolicy | Applies an Object Storage bucket policy to an Object Storage bucket. The key elements of bucket policy are Version, ID, Statement, Sid, Principal, Action, Effect, Resource and Condition. You can find out more about each element by clicking the links, or consulting the full documentation | supported |
PutBucketTagging | Sets the tag(s) of a bucket | supported |
PutBucketVersioning | Sets the versioning state of an existing bucket | supported |
PutBucketWebsite | Enables bucket website and sets the basic configuration for the website | supported |
Feature | Description | Status |
AbortMultipartUpload | Aborts a multipart upload | supported |
CompleteMultipartUpload | Assembles previously uploaded parts to completes a multipart upload | supported |
CopyObject | Copies an object | supported |
CreateMultipart | Initiates a multipart upload and returns the upload ID | supported |
DeleteObjects | Delete multiple objects in a single request (up to 1000) | supported |
DeleteObject | Deletes an object | supported |
DeleteObjectTagging | Deletes the tag(s) of an object | supported |
GetObject | Retrieves an object | supported |
GetObjectAcl | Gets the ACL of an object | supported |
GetObjectLegalHold | Gets an object’s current Legal Hold configuration | supported |
GetObjectLockConfiguration | Gets an object Lock configuration for a bucket. The specified rule will be applied by default to every new object placed in the bucket | supported |
GetObjectRetention | Retrieves an object’s retention settings | supported |
GetObjectTagging | Get the tag(s) of an object | supported |
HeadObject | Gets object metadata | supported |
ListMultipart | Lists in-progress multipart uploads | supported |
OPTIONS object | Allows to send a preflight request to trigger an evaluation of the rules that are defined in the CORS configuration | supported |
POST object | Adds an object to a bucket by using HTML forms | supported |
PutObject | Adds an object to a bucket | supported |
PutObjectAcl | Adds an ACL to an object | supported |
PutObjectTagging | Adds one or several tags to an object | supported |
PutObjectLegalHold | Applies a Legal Hold configuration to the specified object | supported |
PutObjectLockConfiguration | Sets an object lock configuration on a specified bucket | supported |
PutObjectRetention | Places an object Retention configuration on an object | supported |
RestoreObject | Restores an object from Glacier | supported |
UploadPart | Uploads a part in a multipart upload | supported |
UploadPartCopy | Copies data from an existing object as data source to upload a part | supported |