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How to view and abort incomplete multipart uploads from the console

Reviewed on 24 March 2025Published on 13 September 2024

The Scaleway console lists your Object Storage incomplete multipart uploads to allow you to consult them, and manually abort them to clear storage space and optimize your storage costs.


Incomplete multipart uploads are charged even though they are not finished, as they use storage space.

You can automate the process of aborting incomplete multipart uploads using lifecycle rules.

Before you startLink to this anchor

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
  • An Object Storage bucket
  • At least one incomplete multipart upload

How to view the information of an incomplete multipart uploadLink to this anchor

  1. Click Object Storage in the Storage section of the side menu. The list of your buckets displays.
  2. Click the name of your bucket. The list of your objects displays.
  3. Click the Incomplete MPU tab. A list of your incomplete multipart uploads displays.
  4. Click «See more Icon» next to the object you want to consult.
  5. Click More info. The information page of the incomplete multipart upload displays.

From this page, you can consult the following elements of an incomplete multipart upload:

  • Name
  • Upload ID
  • Creation date
  • Storage class
  • List of parts uploaded so far

Refer to the dedicated documentation for more information on how to create and manage multipart uploads.

How to abort an incomplete multipart uploadLink to this anchor

  1. Click Object Storage in the Storage section of the side menu. The list of your buckets displays.
  2. Click the name of your bucket. The list of your objects displays.
  3. Click the Incomplete MPU tab. A list of your incomplete multipart uploads displays.
  4. Click «See more Icon» next to the object you want to abort.
  5. Click Abort. A confirmation pop-up displays.
  6. Type ABORT, then click Abort multipart upload to confirm your action.

This action will permanently delete the upload, and all the parts uploaded so far. You can also abort an incomplete multipart upload from its information page.

See also
How to manage lifecycle rulesHow to monitor your consumption
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