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Organizations and Projects - Concepts

Reviewed on 16 October 2024

Default ProjectLink to this anchor

Each Organization has at least one associated Project. Upon account creation, this Project is called default. The Project name can be changed later. The default Project takes on the Organization ID. Therefore, the default status cannot be transferred to other Projects.

OrganizationLink to this anchor

An Organization is made of one or several Projects. When you create your Scaleway account, an Organization is automatically created, of which you are the Owner.

Organization IDLink to this anchor

The Organization ID identifies the Organization created with your account. It can be found on your Organization dashboard, in the Settings tab.

ProjectLink to this anchor

A Project is a grouping of Scaleway resources. Each Scaleway Organization comes with a default Project, and you can create new Projects if necessary. Projects are cross-region, meaning resources located in different regions can be grouped in one single Project. When grouping resources into different Projects, you can use IAM to define custom access rights for each Project.

Project dashboardLink to this anchor

The Project dashboard can be viewed within the console. On this dashboard, you can see an overview of the Project’s resources, along with the Project’s settings and credentials (SSH keys).

ResourceLink to this anchor

A Scaleway resource is either a product or a feature in the Scaleway Ecosystem. Examples of resources include Instances, Private Networks, Kubernetes Kapsule and Flexible IPs, to name a few.

SSH keyLink to this anchor

An SSH key (Secure Shell key) allows passwordless connection to an Instance. An SSH key is generated by creating an RSA key pair, consisting of two elements:

  • An identification key (also known as a private key), which you must keep securely on the computer you want to connect from.
  • A public key is uploaded to the Scaleway console, where it is displayed with a customizable name and a hash of its value, known as a fingerprint, to make it more identifiable. The private key is transferred to your Instance during the boot process.

The public key is kept in your Scaleway account and transferred to the Instance during the boot process, while the identification key is kept securely on your local computer. When connecting to the Instance via SSH, a trusted connection to the machine is established using the key pair.

QuotasLink to this anchor

Every Organization has quotas, which are limits on the number of Scaleway resources they can use. Quotas are per product (e.g. Instances) and product type (e.g. GP1-L Instance). Quotas are designed to prevent abuse, and can be viewed on the Organization dashboard of the console and in the Understanding quotas documentation page.

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