How to monitor logs and metrics for Serverless Jobs
You can monitor the activity of your Serverless Jobs using the Scaleway console to check the current status, RAM, and CPU consumption of your runs. Also, Serverless Jobs is fully integrated into Scaleway’s Observability Cockpit, and allows you to quickly access your logs.
Before you startLink to this anchor
To complete the actions presented below, you must have:
- A Scaleway account logged into the console
- Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
- Created a Serverless Job
- Retrieved your Grafana credentials with Scaleway Observability Cockpit
How to monitor your Serverless Jobs from the Scaleway consoleLink to this anchor
Scaleway Cockpit allows you to monitor your applications and their infrastructure by giving you access to metrics, logs, and traces in Grafana dashboards.
Make sure that you have created a Grafana user and retrieved their username and password.
Monitor the activity of a jobLink to this anchor
Click Jobs in the Serverless section of the side menu. The jobs page displays.
Click the name of the job you want to monitor. The Overview tab displays:
- The Job definition section contains the parameters of your Serverless job, and provides the following elements:
- Region
- Provisioned mvCPU and memory
- Provisioned ephemeral storage
- Container image used
- Cron schedule
- The Job runs section lists all the executions of your Serverless job, and provides the following elements:
- Status (running, succeeded, canceled, or failed)
- Run ID
- Starting date
- End date
- Duration
- The Job definition section contains the parameters of your Serverless job, and provides the following elements:
From the job overview:
- Select the Logs tab, then click Open Grafana logs dashboard to access the logs of the job.
- Select the Metrics tab, then click Open Grafana metrics dashboard to access the metrics of the job.
Monitor the activity of a specific job runLink to this anchor
Click Jobs in the Serverless section of the side menu. The jobs page displays.
Click the name of the job you want to monitor. The Overview tab displays.
Click «See more Icon» next to the job run you want to monitor, then:
- Click Metrics to access the Grafana metrics overview page for this job run.
- Click Logs to access the Grafana logs page for this job run.
You are directed to the selected Grafana dashboard.