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Functions limitations

Reviewed on 23 July 2024Published on 12 October 2021

This section contains usage limits that apply when using Serverless Functions.

NamespacesMax number100*Project
FunctionsMax number1000*Organization
Total function memory**Max size600 GiBOrganization
Zip SizeMax size100 MiBFunction
Code SizeMax size500 MiBFunction
Temporary disk sizeMax size1024 MiBFunction instance
Invocation rateMax number1000 per secondFunction
ConcurrencyMax1Function instance
Scaling (Number of simultaneous Function Instances)Max50Function
Environment VariablesMax number100Function + Namespace
Environment VariablesMax size1000 charsEnvironment Variable
Secret Environment VariablesMax number100Function + Namespace
Secret Environment VariablesMax size65536 bytesSecret Environment Variable
Time before scale to zeroTime15 minutesInstance
Time before scale downTime30 secondsInstance
Timeout***Max15 minutesRequest
PayloadMax size6 MiBRequest
LogsLogs30000 per minuteProject

* Lower limits may apply before account verification. Contact our support team if you have any questions.

** Total function memory is the sum of the memory allocated to all your functions at their maximum Scale.

*** Use Serverless Jobs for longer tasks.

These limits are enforced as Organization quotas.

If the limits are exceeded during the execution of the function, a restart occurs.

Configuration restrictions

To ensure the proper functioning of the product, we restrict the use of certain ports and environment variables.

  • Blocked ports:
    • 25: Due to potential abuse (spam), no outbound traffic is allowed through this port, except from Scaleway Transactional Email SMTP servers.
    • 465: Due to potential abuse (spam), no outbound traffic is allowed through this port, except from Scaleway Transactional Email SMTP servers.
  • Reserved environment variables:
    • SCW_*: Reserved for product configuration (for example: token validation).

Versioning and rollback

Scaleway Functions do not currently support versioning or automatic rollback mechanisms. However, in the event of a failed deployment, the previously deployed version of the function will continue to handle incoming requests for up to 24 hours. After this period, the function in error will be deleted, and requests will no longer be served until a successful deployment is made. This ensures temporary service continuity, but it is important to monitor and resolve deployment issues promptly, as the fallback is not intended to provide long-term version control or rollback capabilities.

Below is an example than illustrates this behavior:

  • Time +0H: The first function is deployed and works correctly.
  • Time +1H: The function is redeployed, but the deployment fails, and the function ends up in an error state.
  • Time +2H: Despite the failed deployment, the first function is still handling incoming requests.
  • Time +25H: The 24-hour window expires, and both the first working function and the failed function are removed, leading to service disruption until a new successful deployment is made.
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