Scaleway Topics and Events is a managed messaging service that facilitates the sending of notificatons or messages to a large number of subscribers, including email addresses, webhooks, and more. Topics and Events leverages the SNS protocol.
SNS is a managed messaging service developed by AWS and leveraged by Scaleway Topics and Events.
SNS (Simple Notification Service) was released in 2010. It enables users to interconnect their applications and systems using a publish/subscribe pattern. Many publishers can send messages to topics, while consumers, e.g. applications, can subscribe to topics to receive all (or a subset) of messages sent to this topic. Scaleway Topics and Events makes it easy to migrate your SNS-connected applications by providing a dedicated protocol gateway.
Some SNS features are not yet available with Scaleway Topics and Events. Supported subscribers are currently limited to:
You must create credentials that give your applications permission to connect to the Scaleway Topics and Events service.
Credentials are scoped to your Topics and Events service at Project-level. You can choose to give each set of credentials the required level of permissions:
Read: receive messages from queues and topics.
Write: send messages to queues and publish in topics.
Manage: create or edit resources (such as queues and topics).
All further actions such as sending messages etc. can be done using the AWS CLI or AWS SDKs. Check out our documentation to help you get started with the AWS CLI or AWS SDKs.