Scaleway Queues - Supported Actions
Reviewed on 18 October 2024 • Published on 04 January 2023
This page lists all actions described in the AWS SQS documentation, and states whether they are supported by Scaleway Queues.
- Y means the parameter is fully supported
- N means the parameter is not supported
- P means the parameter is partially supported (see associated comments for more details)
CreateQueue requires the CanManage
Parameters | Support | Comments |
Attribute (map) | P | See supported attributes in the SQS Queue Attributes section |
QueueName | Y | See AWS documentation for naming conventions (FIFO queues are supported) |
Tag | N | |
Elements | Support | Comments |
QueueUrl | Y | |
ReceiveMessage requires the CanReceive
Parameters | Support | Comments |
AttributeName.N (array) | P | See supported attributes in the SQS Message Attributes section |
MaxNumberOfMessages | Y | |
MessageAttributeName.N | Y | |
QueueUrl | Y | |
ReceiveRequestAttemptId | N | |
VisibilityTimeout | N | |
WaitTimeSeconds | Y | |
Elements | Support | Comments |
Message.N.Attribute | P | See supported attributes in the SQS Message Attributes section |
Message.N.Body | Y | |
Message.N.MD5OfBody | Y | |
Message.N.MD5OfMessageAttributes | Y | |
Message.N.MessageAttribute | Y | |
Message.N.MessageId | Y | |
Message.N.ReceiptHandle | Y | |
SendMessage requires the CanPublish
Parameters | Support | Comments |
DelaySeconds | N | |
MessageAttribute (map) | Y | |
MessageBody | Y | |
MessageDeduplicationId | Y | |
MessageGroupId | N | |
MessageSystemAttribute | N | |
QueueUrl | Y | |
Elements | Support | Comments |
MD5OfMessageAttributes | Y | |
MD5OfMessageBody | Y | |
MD5OfMessageSystemAttributes | N | |
MessageId | Y | |
SequenceNumber | Y | |
SendMessageBatch requires the CanPublish
Parameters | Support | Comments |
QueueUrl | Y | |
SendMessageBatchRequestEntry.N (array) | P | As with the SendMessage action, the DelaySeconds, MessageGroupId and MessageSystemAttribute parameters are not supported |
Elements | Support | Comments |
BatchResultErrorEntry.N (array) | Y | |
SendMessageBatchResultEntry.N (array) | P | All fields are supported except MD5OfMessageSystemAttributes |
ListQueues requires the CanManage
Parameters | Support | Comments |
MaxResults | N | |
NextToken | N | |
QueueNamePrefix | Y | |
Elements | Support | Comments |
NextToken | N | |
QueueUrl.N (array) | Y | |
DeleteMessage requires the CanReceive
Parameters | Support | Comments |
QueueUrl | Y | |
ReceiptHandle | Y | |
DeleteMessageBatch requires the CanReceive
Parameters | Support | Comments |
DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry.N (array) | Y | |
QueueUrl | Y | |
Elements | Support | Comments |
BatchResultErrorEntry.N (array) | Y | |
DeleteMessageBatchResultEntry.N (array) | Y | |
DeleteQueue requires the CanManage
Parameters | Support | Comments |
QueueUrl | Y | |
GetQueueUrl requires the CanPublish, CanReceive or CanManage
Parameters | Support | Comments |
QueueName | Y | |
QueueOwnerAWSAccountId | Y | |
Elements | Support | Comments |
QueueUrl | Y | |
GetQueueAttributes requires the CanPublish
, CanReceive
or CanManage
Parameters | Support | Comments |
AttributeName.N (array) | P | See supported attributes in the SQS Queue Attributes section |
QueueUrl | Y | |
SetQueueAttributes requires the CanManage
Parameters | Support | Comments |
Attribute (map) | P | See supported attributes in the SQS Queue Attributes section |
QueueUrl | Y | |
ChangeMessageVisibility requires the CanReceive
or CanManage
Parameters | Support | Comments |
QueueUrl | Y | |
ReceiptHandle | Y | |
VisibilityTimeout | P | Only ‘0’ and the current queue visibility timeout are supported |
ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch requires the CanReceive
or CanManage
Parameters | Support | Comments |
QueueUrl | Y | |
ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchResultEntry.N (array) | P | The same VisibilityTimeout values are supported as for ChangeMessageVisibility |
PurgeQueue requires the CanManage
Parameters | Support | Comments |
QueueUrl | Y | |
The Scaleway Queues API (currently named the SQS API) supports the following queue attributes:
Attribute Name | Support | Comments |
All | Y | |
ApproximateNumberOfMessages | Y | |
ApproximateNumberOfMessagesDelayed | N | |
ApproximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible | Y | When a message has been delivered once, it will be counted here until it is deleted, even if its VisibilityTimeout expires. |
ContentBasedDeduplication | Y | |
CreatedTimestamp | Y | |
DeduplicationScope | N | |
DelaySeconds | N | |
FifoQueue | Y | |
FifoThroughputLimit | N | |
KmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds | N | |
KmsMasterKeyId | N | |
LastModifiedTimestamp | N | |
MaximumMessageSize | Y | |
MessageRetentionPeriod | Y | |
Policy | N | |
QueueArn | Y | |
ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds | Y | |
RedriveAllowPolicy | N | |
RedrivePolicy | Y | |
SqsManagedSseEnabled | N | |
VisibilityTimeout | Y | |
The Scaleway Queues API (currently named the SQS API) supports the following queue attributes:
Attribute Name | Support | Comments |
All | Y | |
ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp | N | |
ApproximateReceiveCount | Y | |
AWSTraceHeader | N | |
MessageDeduplicationId | Y | |
MessageGroupId | N | |
SequenceNumber | Y | |
SenderId | Y | |
SentTimestamp | Y | |