Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
To get started with Object Storage, you must first create a bucket. Objects are gathered into buckets. Each bucket represents a space where objects are stored.
Click Object Storage on the left side menu of the console. The Object Storage dashboard displays.
Click + Create bucket. The bucket creation page displays.
Select the geographical location in which to create your bucket. Scaleway Object Storage is currently available in three Regions.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands:
Region: nl-ams
Paris, France:
Region: fr-par
Warsaw, Poland:
Region: pl-waw
Check Public or Private to define the bucket visibility. The bucket visibility specifies whether everyone can see the list of objects in the bucket. It does not affect object visibility.
A file uploaded to a public bucket is private by default.
A private file stored in a public bucket is not publicly accessible.
You can change the bucket visibility at any time from the Bucket settings tab.
Select a use case for your bucket.
Enable bucket versioning if you want to store multiple versions of your objects (this may lead to higher storage costs).
If applicable, you can tick the Activate 90-day free trial to benefit from 750 GB of free Multi-AZ class storage for buckets in your Organization, across all regions. Refer to our dedicated FAQ for more information.
Enter a name for your bucket.
Optionally, you can use the cost estimator to simulate your Object Storage costs.
Click Create bucket to confirm. A list of your buckets displays, showing the newly created bucket.
You can find more information about your bucket by clicking on its name in the Buckets list and then on the Bucket settings tab.