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How to manage Transactional Email blocklists

Reviewed on 20 January 2025Published on 20 January 2025

The Transactional Email blocklist feature allows your to manage email addresses that generate errors, or “bounces”. Emails are automatically blocked when a mailbox does not exist, or is full, to prevent sending emails to a recipient address that is not reachable.

Before you startLink to this anchor

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization. For blocklists your can apply the TransactionalEmailBlocklistFullAccess permission
  • Configured your domain(s) with Transactional Email

How to monitor temporary blocklistsLink to this anchor

If any of your emails bounced, you will see a temporary blocklist entry, with a duration of 48 hours, containing the details of the email that bounced and the reason, or flag. Some examples of bounce reasons are:

  • Mailbox not found - when mailbox does not exist
  • Mailbox full - when the mailbox is full.

The temporary blocklist entry is created automatically to prevent repeated attempts to send emails, which could damage your reputation.

To see the blocklist:

  1. Click Transactional Email in the Managed Services section of the console side menu. Your domains display.
  2. Click the domain whose blocklist you want to manage. An overview of your domain appears.
  3. Click the Blocklist tab. Your blocklist displays, detailing the recipient email, the flags, the date the block began, and when it ends.

You can create webhooks for the following blocklist events:

  • email_blocklisted - An email was blocked by an active blocklist.
  • blocklist_created - A blocklist was created for an email address. Any new emails sent by the address will be blocked.

By setting up a blocklist webhook, you can track changes to your blocklist in real time.

How to unblock an email addressLink to this anchor

You can unblock any address that was added to the blocklist. This is useful in cases where:

  • A temporary error has been corrected. The recipient has freed up space in their mailbox, for example.
  • An address becomes valid again after an update.

You can unblock up to five addresses every 24 hours.

  1. Click Transactional Email in the Managed Services section of the console side menu. Your domains display.

  2. Click the domain whose blocklist you want to manage. An overview of your domain appears.

  3. Click the Blocklist tab. Your blocklist displays.

  4. Click Unblock next to the email address you wish to unblock. A pop-up appears to warn you to:


    Make sure the issue causing the email’s rejection is resolved before unblocking it to protect your reputation score and ensure optimal email deliverability.

  5. Type UNBLOCK and click Unblock if you wish to continue. The email address is removed from your blocklist.

See also
How to create and manage an email webhookHow to delete your domain
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