Troubleshooting email delivery issues
Reviewed on 05 February 2025 • Published on 05 February 2025
ProblemLink to this anchor
You are experiencing issues with sending or receiving emails using your Web Hosting.
SymptomsLink to this anchor
- Emails are not being received or sent.
- Emails are landing in the spam folder instead of the inbox.
- Your mail server rejects outgoing emails.
- You receive bounce-back messages with error codes.
Possible causes & solutionsLink to this anchor
Incorrect IMAP/POP3 configurationLink to this anchor
Your email client or application may have incorrect IMAP/POP3 settings, preventing emails from being received.
- Check your SMTP server address, port, and authentication method in your email client.
- Use the correct SMTP settings provided for your mailbox:
- Incoming mail Server:
(or as provided by the instructions in your hosting panel) - Port:
(IMAP, recommended) or995
(POP3) - Authentication: Enabled (use your email credentials)
- Incoming mail Server:
- Ensure your firewall or ISP is not blocking any of these ports.
Incorrect SMTP configurationLink to this anchor
Your email client or application may have incorrect SMTP settings, preventing emails from being sent.
- Check your SMTP server address, port, and authentication method in your email client.
- Use the correct SMTP settings provided for your mailbox:
- SMTP Server:
(or as provided by the instructions in your hosting panel) - Port:
(SSL) - Authentication: Enabled (use your email credentials)
- SMTP Server:
- Ensure your firewall or ISP is not blocking outgoing SMTP connections.
Missing or incorrect SPF, DKIM, and DMARC recordsLink to this anchor
- If your domain lacks proper DNS records for email authentication, recipient mail servers may flag your emails as spam or reject them.
Update your DNS zone with the recommended settings for your Web Hosting plan from the *DNS verification tab in the Scaleway console.
IP address blacklisted for spam activityLink to this anchor
If your server’s IP address has been flagged for sending spam, email providers may reject your messages.
- Check if your IP is blacklisted using MXToolbox Blacklist Checker.
- Scan your devices (desktop computers, laptops, mobile phones, etc.) for malware or compromised email accounts.
- If blacklisted, contact our technical support for further assistance.
- Optional: Order a dedicated IP address in the Scaleway console, reserved for emails sent and received by domain names linked to your Web Hosting.
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